Status of Generation of Simulated Observations for the Joint OSSE By Ronald M. Errico (GMAO and GEST) Runhua Yang (GMAO and SSAI ) Acknowledgements: Meta Sienkiewicz, Emily Liu, Ricardo Todling, Ronald Gelaro, Joanna Joiner, Tong Zhu, Quansheng Liu, and Michele Rienecker
Completed Software Version P2 Software for generating conventional obs (NCEP .prepbufr file) Software for simulating radiances for HIRS2/3, AMSUA/B, AIRS, MSU Software for generating random obs. error GSI BUFR format Tunable parameters Adaptable software Documented software
Experiments Evaluation for Jan 2006 Spin-up starts Dec 1 (exp. 1) or Dec 15 (exp. 2) Data assimilation system: NCEP/GMAO GSI (3DVAR), 6-hour periods Resolution of DAS: 2 deg lat, 2.5 deg lon, 72 levels, top at 1 Pa Conventional Obs include: raobs, aircraft, ships, vad winds, wind profilers, sfc stations, SSMI and Qkscat sfc winds, sat winds (Approx # used 1.4 M/day) Radiance Obs include: HIRS2, HIRS3, AMSUA, AMSUB, AIRS, MSU (Approx # used = 3 M/day) Exp. 1: First experiment with simulated obs (no MSU) Exp. 2: Several corrections and first attempt at tuning
Standard Deviation of the analysis increment for the u-wind in the former NCEP/ECMWF OSSE T170L42 resolution Feb. 1993 obs network
Exp 2 of new OSSE (N.B. color tables differ)
Exp 2 of new OSSE (N.B. color tables differ)
Langland and Baker 2004 Gelaro et al 2007, G. and Zhu 2008 Errico 2007, Tremolet 2007
Impact estimates and obs counts for Exp 1
OSSE Calibration for Jan 2006 vs. Jan 2007 Reference Exp 1 OSSE Calibration for Jan 2006 vs. Jan 2007 Reference GEOS-5 DAS version and impact calculation same
Impact estimates and obs counts for Exp 2
HIRS-3 on NOAA-17 Brightness Temperatures Channel 7 Exp 2, 5 Jan 2006, 00Z (color tables differ) Real Data OSSE Data
The file cloud.rc HIRS (Exp 1) cloud_table high cld hcld 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.30 med cld mcld 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.60 low cld lcld 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.90 HIRS (Exp 2) high cld hcld 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.35 med cld mcld 0.15 0.40 0.65 0.65 low cld lcld 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.85 HIRS (Exp 3) med cld mcld 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.65 low cld lcld 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.85
Distribution of cloud fraction f H L
HIRS-3 on NOAA-17 Histogram of O-F Channel 7 Real Data OSSE Data -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Colors are distributions of Obs values. -2 -1 0 1 2 3
The file error.rc HIRS3 (EXP 2) pert_fac 0.85 random_type 1223 corr_distance 0 0. file_err_table /sat_err_table.txt _____ HIRS3 (EXP 3) pert_fac 0.60 random_type 1225
Brightness Temperatures Channel 1 AMSUA on AQUA Brightness Temperatures Channel 1 Exp 2, 5 Jan 2006, 00Z (color tables differ) Real Data OSSE Data
Expected completion of next experiment Jan. 7, 2009. What is next? Look at more diagnostics from Exp 2: a. Obs counts b. Impact estimates c. O-F d. AC score Re-tune cloud.rc parameters. 3. Check MW surface emissivity 4. Check obs counts for AMSUA Expected completion of next experiment Jan. 7, 2009. This should be usable by other investigators.