Why is free speech important for people in a democratic society? because it allows citizens to have an open discussion of ideas without fear Which concept is included in the Bill of Rights under the Texas Constitution but not in the U.S. Constitution? the rights of victims of crimes Which form of city government is discontinued in Texas? commission form
How has being a border state influenced immigration to Texas? How did the 1960s civil rights laws affect diversity in the Texas state legislature by 2013? Hispanics and African Americans gained a greater voice in Texas government How are the basic rights of Texas citizens, such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press, protected? by the Bill of Rights under the Texas and U.S. constitutions How has being a border state influenced immigration to Texas? Texas is likely to have more undocumented immigrants than other states.
How is the Texas Bill of Rights similar to the U.S. Bill of Rights? Both include freedoms of speech, press, and religion. Freedom of ___________ allows U.S. citizens to speak their mind without fear of the government. Speech What is the single largest source of funding for public schools? property taxes based on the value of real estate
What does freedom of the press help Texas citizens to do? Which concept from Spanish law was included in a Mexican state constitution to ensure that pioneer widows could still own the family home acquired during marriage? community property In a republican form of government, voters elect people to represent them. What does freedom of the press help Texas citizens to do? make better informed decisions
What is naturalization for people not born in the United States? Which principle in the current Texas Constitution refers to each branch of government having its own specific tasks? separation of powers What principle of the Texas Constitution assures that power is divided between national and state governments. Federalism What is naturalization for people not born in the United States? the path to U.S. citizenship
Based on the excerpt, how has the women's rights movement affected the Texas state legislature? The makeup of the Texas legislature has changed in the past decades. In 1971 the state legislature included few Hispanics, African Americans, or women. Since then, membership has become more diverse. The civil rights laws of the 1960s helped lessen discrimination against African Americans and Hispanics and both groups gained a greater voice in government. The women’s rights movement increased women’s participation. By 2013, 21 percent of the members of the Texas legislature were Hispanic, 11 percent were African Americans, and 2 percent were Asian Americans. Women made up 21 percent of the legislature.
Based on the excerpt, when is a conference committee used by the Texas legislature? Thousands of bills are proposed every legislative session, but only a few become laws. . . . Sometimes the House and Senate approve different versions of the same bill. When this occurs, the lieutenant governor and Speaker name members from both houses to a conference committee. This committee settles the differences by agreeing on a final version of the bill. The House and the Senate then vote on the new version. Once both houses approve a bill, it is sent to the governor. If the governor signs it, it becomes law. If the governor does not sign the bill, it becomes a law after ten days if the legislature is in session or after twenty days if if is not in session. If the governor vetoes the bill, it only becomes a law if two-thirds of the members in each house vote to approve it again.
Based on the excerpt, who is eligible to become a naturalized citizen in the United States? For anyone who is not a citizen by birth, the path to citizenship is called naturalization. To be eligible for naturalization, a person must be a resident alien. Resident aliens are foreign-born individuals who have legally entered the United States on a permanent basis. They receive a visa to enter the country. A visa is permission from an official in a country that allows a person who is not a citizen of that country to enter and remain in the country for a period of time. Resident aliens have a document from the U.S. government called a green card that identifies them as resident aliens.
Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements is true about the revenue sources for the state college system? Texas has a large state college system with more than 40 public colleges and universities. The University of Texas, University of Houston, and Texas A&M, among others, have branches in numerous cities. These institutions receive just under a third of their revenue from the state and slightly less from tuition and fees. About a sixth comes from federal funding, and the balance is supplied by the schools' own sources of revenue.