Luke 4 1:13 Jesus in the desert. Sacraments Reconciliation Scripture When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites Matthew 6:16-26 – Gospel for Ash Wednesday Luke 4 1:13 Jesus in the desert. Sacraments Reconciliation Christian Beliefs Salvation Created by God – ‘you are dust and to dust you shall return’ Reconciliation/Forgiveness/ Conversion/Repentance Hymns Freely Freely Come back to me Serving each other (John Burland) Prayers/Tradition Ash Wednesday Service Lent Lenten calendar YEAR 5 Lent/Easter GIVING LF1 Lent, the opportunity to grow spiritually Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Living a holy life – Witness Sacrifice Change for the better Charity Prayer, fasting and penance Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever experienced doing something really hard because you knew it was the right thing to do? How did it make you feel? Idea – start a Lenten journal or use a Lenten calendar Art/Images/Artefacts Ashes on forehead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ash_Wednesday#mediaviewer/File:Crossofashes.jpg The Gospel – ‘repent and believe the good news’
LF2 The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot Scripture Mark 14:10-11 (Come and See) Matthew 27:3-4 Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Sacraments Reconciliation Christian Beliefs Salvation Reconciliation/Forgiveness/ Conversion/Repentance Hymns Freely Freely Come back to me ( Gregory Norbert) Prayers/Tradition Ash Wednesday Service Sorrowful mysteries Stations of the cross Lent Lenten calendar YEAR 5 Lent/Easter GIVING LF2 The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Sacrifice Change for the better Charity Prayer, fasting and penance Experiences, feelings and ideas How does guilt feel? Have you experienced feeling guilty about something? Have you allowed someone to take the blame for something they did not do? How did that feel? Art/Images/Artefacts Images of Judas at the Last supper
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture John 13:34-35 A new commandment Mark 14:13 – 46 Matthew 26:36-46 Luke 22:39-46 Sacraments Eucharist – the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Reconciliation - change Christian Beliefs Sacrifice Resurrection Salvation of the world Eternal Life Hymns My soul is sad Watch and Pray – Taize Prayers/Tradition Creed (Death and Resurrection) Holy Week services Maundy Thursday Watching at Altar of Repose Sorrowful Mysteries (agony in the Garden) YEAR 5 Lent/Easter GIVING LF3 The Arrest of Jesus Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Self giving Sacrifice Change Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever sacrificed something for someone else? How did it make you feel? Art/Images/Artefacts Images of the Agony in the Garden Images of the arrest of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane
LF 4/5 The Sacrifice of Jesus/ Good Friday- the crucifixion Scripture All Gospels Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 John 19 Sacraments Eucharist – the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Christian Beliefs That Christ loved us so much he offered his life for us. Salvation By Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross we are set free from sin and by his resurrection we can live a new life and become holy (CCC654) Hymns Unless a Grain of Wheat shall fall Were you there when they crucified my Lord Lord by your cross (JB) Yes Lord I believe (JB) Prayers/Tradition Creed (Death and Resurrection) Holy Week services Stations of the Cross Sorrowful mysteries of the rosary YEAR 5 Lent/Easter GIVING LF 4/5 The Sacrifice of Jesus/ Good Friday- the crucifixion Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Self giving Sacrifice Change Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever sacrificed something for someone else? How did it make you feel? Idea – plant seeds and watch them grow! Art/Images/Artefacts Child friendly Stations of the Cross The Folly of God Sieger Koder
Experiences, feelings and ideas Scripture Sacraments The Easter Vigil - Baptism – renewal of promises Eucharist – celebrating the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christian Beliefs Resurrection – new life Eternal Life Salvation Alpha and Omega – beginning and end Christ as Saviour/Messiah All Gospels Matthew 28:1-10 Mark 16:1-14 Luke 24:1-44 John 20:1-29 The Annunciation (Don’t be afraid) Hymns John Burland – He Is Risen Alleluia and He Lives The light of Christ Christ the Lord is Risen Rejoice Rejoice! Prayers/Tradition Paschal Candle Easter Vigil Liturgy – New Fire Easter Garden Rosary – Glorious Mysteries YEAR 5 Lent/Easter GIVING LF6 - Easter Sunday Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Sacrifice Joy New Life Love Hope Faith Art/Images/Artefacts Resurrection Art - http://www.bible-topten.com/Resurrection.html The Empty tomb images Experiences, feelings and ideas What thoughts or feeling do you have ? How would you have felt if you had been there? Idea: Draw what you would have seen