Christianity Seen In Philippians Introduction: Until the establishment of the Philippian church, Europe did not have the gospel. Passing from Asia to Europe during his second preaching effort, Paul sailed the Aegean Sea and came to Samothracia, Neapolis and then to Philippi (Acts 16: 8-12).
Christianity Seen In Philippians
Christianity Seen In Philippians ...Introduction: Lydia, her household, and the jailer and his household constituted the nucleus of the church at Philippi (Acts 16: 14-40). About ten years later, Paul wrote his prison letters (Philippians one of the letters). Philippians beautifully presents the life of the Christian.
Christianity Seen In Philippians Acts 16: 12-15 Acts 16: 25-34
Christianity Seen In Philippians " the church at Philippi, there was scarcely anything which required rebuke; there was very much that demanded commendation and gratitude. Their conduct towards him, and their general deportment, had been exemplary, generous, noble. They had evinced for him the tenderest regard in his troubles: providing for his wants, sending a special messenger to supply him when no other opportunity occurred, Philippians 4: 10, and sympathizing with him in his trials; and they had, in the order, peace, and harmony of the church, eminently adorned the doctrine of the Saviour” (Barnes).
Christianity Seen In Philippians (Christ Centered life) Chapter One Christ magnified Servant of Christ To live is Christ Grace from Christ Be with Christ Day of Christ Rejoice in Christ Comments: Out of the 30 verses in chapter one, Christ is specifically mentioned in about 15. Servant of Christ – vs. 1. Grace from Jesus Christ – v. 2 Day of Christ – v. 6, 10. Christ preached – v. 15-18. Christ magnified – v. 20. To live is Christ – v. 21. Desire to be with Christ – v. 22-24. Rejoice in Christ – 26. Christ preached
Christianity Seen In Philippians (Self-Emptying life) Chapter Two Principle stated in verses 3, 4 Exemplified by Christ (vs. 5-11) Illustrated in Timothy/Epaphroditus (vss. 19-21; 25, 26).
Christianity Seen In Philippians (The Sound Chapter) Chapter Three Sound or correct teaching, avoiding doctrinal error (vss. 2-4, 7) Sound in life, must press on toward the goal (vss. 12-21).
Synthesis In Arriving At Truth Acts 20: 27 Rev. 22: 18, 19 Complete Truth Comment: From the various verses, we see that not only some constituents of truth are necessary, but the whole truth. The small enter circles represent elements of total truth. 2 Cor. 2: 9 2 Cor. 7: 16
Christianity Seen In Philippians (Serene Life Chapter) Chapter Four Steadfast life Contented life Happy life Victorious life Worry free Comments: There are many matters that result in a peaceful and serene life. Steadfast life – v. 1. Happy life – 4 (rejoicing indicative of happiness). Sinful worry free – v. 6-7. Contended life – v. 11. Sufficiency of life – v. 19. Sufficiency of life