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Geography of Greece
Homework Bell Ringer What product did Athenians export for both cooking and cleaning?
Its access to water !!!
Coastline lots of natural ports, no city more than 40 miles distance from great harbor.
Mountains All of the interior is mountains, little arable land, little fresh water Mountain Springs – seasonal – dry up in summer – not good for farming
Volcanic Very Active Volcanic Area – many earthquakes and eruptions. Greece is located at junction of European and African Tectonic Plates.
Vegetation Limited – little arable land, little rainfall – few trees, mostly shrub-like olives and pistachios. Olives take 20 years to mature. Lots of natural herbs (oregano, thyme, lavender) – give mountains purple hue. Old trees – cypress cut down in antiquity for boats.
How does the Geography of Greece influence the political, cultural, and economic development of the country?
Coastlines - Political – makes it easy to communicate with foreign peoples such as Egypt and the Middle East. Cultural – art, architecture, religion centered around importance of water and sea trade. Economic – most inhabitants either sailors or fisherman.
Mountains - Political – divides Greeks from one another – little political unity – separate city-states, but protects from land invasions. Cultural – high peak worship, rugged nature gods, theaters built into hills, separate artistic styles develop around Greece. Economic – relied on foreign trade by sea since mountains virtually uncrossable.
Volcanics - Political – disappearance of some powers due to eruptions – Bronze Age came to end. Cultural – gave them belief that gods were unpredictable and often angry. Strong reliance on making nature gods appeased. Economic – many underwater hazards that would cause many shipwrecks. Plotting new routes would expand trade routes.
Vegetation - Political – Since olives were basis of economy and they took 20 yrs to grow. Many city-states would cut olive trees down enemy’s trees – hurt their economy for years. Cultural – Nature gods like Dionysus for vine. Economic – early deforestation to built ships. Olive, vine (grape), figs and pistachios were staple of diet and economy. Used olive for cooking oil, skin cleanser, etc. Traded huge barrels of it around world.