MANDATOS (Imperative mood)
“Mandatos” are commands. There are 2 main types of commands: Formal (usted) Informal (tú) and They are used in different situations- just like the tú form and the usted form.
Why are there different types of commands you ask??? A couple things about commands... Commands are telling someone either TO do something or NOT to do something. Think of them as direct orders. The biggest mistake Spanish learners make is assuming the the “tú” form of a verb is its command form…IT IS NOT!!! Why are there different types of commands you ask??? Well, like other things in Spanish it depends on who you are talking to. For example, is it 1 person or more than 1? Is it someone you’re familiar with or someone you should show respect to? All of this makes a difference in what command form you would use.
or It also makes a difference whether you’re: telling someone to do something (affirmative command) telling them not to do something (negative command). or
It is the PRESENT TENSE él/ella/usted form of the verb. Let’s start with INFORMAL COMMANDS Informal commands are also known as “tú” commands because it is the informal “you” Informal (tú) AFFIRMATIVE Commands Telling someone you're familiar with TO do something It is the PRESENT TENSE él/ella/usted form of the verb. That’s it…except you have to remember stem-changers and irregulars Por ejemplo: Tomar Leer Empezar Cerrar toma lee empieza cierra (take/drink) (read) (begin) (close) (e-ie) (e-ie)
1. Comer 2. Hablar 3. Dormir 4. Pensar 5. Comprar 6. Estudiar Now you try it. On a separate sheet of paper, write out the tú affirmative command form for each of the following verbs: 1. Comer 2. Hablar 3. Dormir 4. Pensar 5. Comprar 6. Estudiar 7. Servir 8. Escuchar 9. Escribir 10. Abrir Get this checked before moving on...
Venir Decir Salir Hacer Tener Ir Poner Ser Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon Those were “regular” affirmative informal commands….let’s talk about the irregulars Vin Diesel is going to help you remember them Remember this phrase: Vin Diesel has ten weapons, eh? Venir Decir Salir Hacer Tener Ir Poner Ser Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon Sé You need to MEMORIZE these! And remember that they are: Affirmative Infomal (tu) IRREGULARS
Informal (tú) NEGATIVE Commands Telling someone you're familiar with NOT to do something Follow these steps to form these commands: *remember yo-go's and stem-changers!!! 1 Conjugate verb in the Present Tense YO form 2 Drop the O 3 Add opposite endings: For -ar verbs add es For -er/-ir verbs add as 4 Write "NO" in front Por ejemplo: 1. Tomar tomo No tomes (Don't take/drink) 2. Leer leo No leas (Don't read) 3. Cerrar cierro No cierres (Don't close)
1. Comer 2. Hacer 3. Dormir 4. Pensar 5. Comprar 6. Decir 7. Servir Now you try it. On your sheet of paper, write out the tu Negative command form for each of the following verbs: 1. Comer 2. Hacer 3. Dormir 4. Pensar 5. Comprar 6. Decir 7. Servir 8. Escuchar 9. Tener 10.Abrir Get this checked before moving on...
Dar No dés Ir No vayas Ser No seas Haber* No hayas Estar No estés Informal NEGATIVE IRREGULAR Commands Remember the word: DISHES Dar Ir Ser Haber* Estar Saber No dés No vayas No seas No hayas No estés No sepas * haber is a special verb, we'll talk about it in more detail at a later time. (in Spanish 3)
(z-c) (g-gu) Remember: -car -gar -zar no saques (c-qu) no pagues ALSO, some negative informal commands have spelling changes CAR/GAR/ZAR verbs. These spelling changes apply in the command forms as well. Remember: -car -gar -zar no saques sacar pagar empezar (c-qu) no pagues (g-gu) (z-c) no empieces* * Notice the stem-change for empezar