Holiness and the Catholic Spirit
Holiness at the Center Vision Statement: Uniting Methodists is a movement of Christ- centered, hope-filled, holiness-seeking United Methodists Spreading scriptural holiness over the land Holiness at the core of his theology A recovery of holiness as core to Methodist identity is crucial to our future vitality. Wesley’s wrestling with issues of theological conflict is in the context of holiness.
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? The Core of Holiness is love Loving God Giving God the primary loyalty in all areas of our lives Making God’s agenda our agenda Obeying God’s commandments Living in constant fellowship with God Sharing your lives in all their complexity with God
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? Love for our Neighbors Commitment to the comprehensive well-being of others To all people – friends, strangers, enemies, undeserving, enemies of God To pervade all dimensions of our lives Particular concern for those who suffering, rejected, despised
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? Holiness of heart and life Heart Fundamental orientation Inner motivations Characteristic attitude and responses Emotional responses
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? Life (Conversation) Inter-personal relationships Words Profession, politics, recreation Our whole bodily existence - sexuality
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? Transformational Holiness is personal and responsive Holiness does not begin with our effort Holiness arises out of the amazing grace of God A personal transformative relationship God wants to permeate your life with love Personal means it is responsive Means of Grace Small groups
What on Earth do we mean by Holiness? Holiness is relational and dynamically new “The is no holiness but social holiness” “Faith working through love” Active interacting with and relating to other people Feedback loop “Holiness” that is not embodied in relationships of love is not holiness Holiness is always developing in new and unexpected ways
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Catholic Spirit Mutual recognition of the transforming work of God in each other’s lives Mutual recognition of God’s work through each other Mutual respect for the sincerity of each other’s convictions Mutual respect for each other’s freedom of conscience before God Mutual seeking of as much cooperation and visible unity as possible
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Mutual support for each other’s ministry Mutual commitment to the holistic well-being of each other Mutual viewing of the other in the best possible light A conviction of the truth and correctness of one’s own theological and ethical ideas and practices A commitment to the importance of the issues on which one disagrees
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Human fallibility All human beings are finite and fallible creatures All our knowledge is subject to limitations, ignorance, errors and confusion. Ethical judgments are subject to a triple problem Fallible interpretation of God’s will, Fallible interpretation of the ethical problem Fallible relating of God’s will to the problem Mistakes in theological ideas lead to mistakes in practice Regeneration and sanctification do not change this situation
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Sin and Responsibility before God Sin properly so-called, is a willful violation of the known will of God Sin not properly so-called – actions which we are convinced are the will of God but from God’s perspective are wrong God is just and does not require the impossible from us God requires that we act in on what we believe to be God’s will Sin not properly so-called is forgiven in Christ Mistaken actions can have serious consequences
Holiness and the Unity of the Church The law of love God does not require mistakeless obedience to moral law God requires that we act out of genuine love even if we are mistaken This does not mean we can do what we like Motivated by cruciform love Guided by scripture Measured by their consequences
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Freedom of Conscience before God We are all responsible before God for how we live No one ought to compel another to act against their conscience A person’s conscience is influenced by numerous factors All have “liberty to choose our own religion, to worship God according to our own conscience according to the best light we have” Loving reasoned arguments and not compulsion is to be used to persuade others
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Theological ideas have major significance No Latitudinarianism The significance of theological ideas Seek true ideas We must hold our ideas with conviction Argue for the truth of our convictions in love
Holiness and the Unity of the Church The church is to be a community of love The distinguishing mark of the church is love To embody love as much visible unity as possible yet respecting freedom of conscience Theological conflict and the abuse that often goes with it is: Contradictory to love A denial of the identity of the church Destructive of the mission of the church
Holiness and the Unity of the Church Theological diversity as a means of grace Theological diversity can be a context for growth and mutual correction Learning to embody love for those we disagree with can be a way of growing in love Demonstrating love in the midst of disagreement is a witness to the world
John Wesley “On Schism” “To separate ourselves from a body of living Christian, with whom we were before united, is a grievous breach of the law of love. It is the nature of love to unite us together; and the greater the love, the stricter the union. And while this continues in its strength, nothing can divide those whom love has united. It is only when our love grows cold, that we can think of separating from our brethren. And this is certainly the case with any who willingly separate from their Christian brethren. The pretences for separation may be innumerable, but want of love is always the real cause; otherwise they would still hold the unity of the Spirit in the bound of peace.” John Wesley “On Schism”