The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (IEEE FIPA) James Odell, Acting Chair Acting regional chairs: -Europe: Stefan Poslad -US: Renato Levy
Status 3 working groups set up, but inactive 2 working group recently established and active Last general meeting scheduled for 2 May 2011 in Taiwan, co-located with the AAMAS conference. 57 paid members (up 10%), 76 participants 1 standard in “experimental” status. Will recommend for IEEE standards vote expected by mid 2012 Cooperation work with OMG on 2 standards
Newly-formed Working Groups Design Process Documentation and Fragmentation (DPDF WG) – formed and had produced a new FIPA standard in “experimental” status Agent Metamodel and Profile Working Group (Joint activity with OMG) Started and submission by mid 2012
Community Service Three student grants awarded for 15th International Workshop CIA 2011 on Cooperative Information Agents Sponsor for the Tenth International Conference on AAMAS 2011 (Autonomous Agents and Multi- Agent Systems) Joint meetings between IEEE FIPA and OMG