UVM Legislative Policy Summit The Intersection of Higher Education, Private Sector and Government in Technology and Economic Development UVM Legislative Policy Summit John N. Evans November 17, 2015
Higher Education Government Private Sector Prosperous Economy Opportunity Discovery and Innovation Product Development Well educated workforce Jobs
Vermont Technology Council Advocate for science and technology based economic development Strives to integrate the efforts of the private sector, higher education and government Volunteer organization with members from the leadership of these three sectors Serves as the Statewide Board for NSF Funded EPSCoR Program Responsible for creating statewide Science and Technology Plan
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Funded by the National Science Foundation for three decades Current funding exceeds 5 million dollars per year Research on adaption to climate change in the Lake Champlain Basin Northeast Water Resources Network Educational Outreach Summer internships at higher education institutions in Vermont High school teacher and student teams funded to work on research with faculty Programs for middle school teachers to increase experience in research Private sector relationships Small Business Innovative Research Phase 0 Program (SBIR) Pilot project funding for businesses to focus on EPSCoR related research
Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) Business incubator/accelerator Locations at UVM, Middlebury and Burlington Provides work space, advice on business planning, coaching, relationship development and building of a team Vermont Seed Capital fund provides early stage funding for start-ups Partners on programs statewide to encourage formation of new companies
Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE) Promotes interests of science and engineering in Vermont Members include highly successful contributors to the fields Provides small equipment grants to Vermont K-12 schools Honors outstanding science teacher in Vermont Source of independent scientific expertise for decision makers
Vermont Manufacturing and Extension Center (VMEC) Helps improve and grow manufacturing in Vermont and to strengthen the global competitiveness of the State’s small manufacturers Since its founding in 1996 it has worked with more than 850 manufacturers In 2014 trained more than 1,000 employees In 2014 worked with more 30 companies on lean manufacturing and innovation-led growth
Newer Efforts by The Vermont Technology Council Internship Program Worked with the private sector and higher education to place more than 150 students in Vermont companies Developed a website to link students and opportunities- https://vermont.internships.com/join Resource Portal Developing a portal that will help businesses connect with multiple services available to them to facilitate the building of their company http://innovatevt.usmblogs.com/