ECCE 02. Co-ordination mechanism had been developed. National E.C.C.D. policy has been launched. Policies have been introduced in some provinces (Uva, North Western) Provincial level Authorities for ECCE have been Formed. (North Western, North Central, Sabaragamuwa)
ECCE Legislation E.C.C.E. policy will be forwarded to the parliament to passed as a act . Study period has been designed (age 3-5)
ECCE Resource Mobilization Provincial level Committees are Appointed. Monitoring Monitoring mechanism has been developed. Indicators (minimum standard) has been prepared (Now in printing stage)
ECCE 3. E.F.A. Indicators Basic (E.Q.) Teachers Quality Pre school education Teacher pupil ratio
4. Studies, Surveys, Reports Annual Survey – School Census National coverage pre school Survey (2002) by the C.S. and Non Formal Department National Education Commission, Survey Report.
ECCE Issues In-equal access in rural areas (rural and urban disparities) Different education level among teachers Lack of professionalism
ECCE Issues No proper framework, guidelines and standards for ECCE Centres. No legislation to make ECCE compulsory Poor mechanism for public private partnership. (PPR)
ECCE 6. Gap and Disparities Urban and rural disparities Low education level of Teachers Insufficient Physical Resources Inadequate Community Support .
ECCE Gap and Disparities Inadequate attention of Local Authorities Ex: Fund Allocation …….. Lack of Government Involvement Gap between identified study period and the real involve period.
ECCE 7. Current Plans Impose E.C.C.E. Act. Establish monitoring mechanism (Teaching learning process + Physical Environment) Define minimum qualifications of teachers (G.C.E. O.L/A.L.) Formulate National Level E.C.C.E Committee
ECCE Current Plans Strengthen Provincial level E.C.C.E. committees. Implement provincial level pre school teacher training centres. Upgrade the standards of ECCE through monitoring. Conduct Survey to Identify Future needs.
Analysis of non availability proper framework, guidelines and standards for ECCE Centres Analysis of non availability proper framework, guidelines and standards for ECCE Centres Assessment Tasks Expected Outputs Activities Start-End dates Required resource and expertise inputs/technical support or assistance, cost Responsible Unit/ persons 1 Analysis team organization Analysis Team TOR Formulated the team Draft TOR May Qualified officers Funds Documents Ministry of Child Development 2. Define assessment scope and coverage Island wide ECCE centres Define minimum qualification of teachers Set standards for physical environment Set standard for equipment. June Qualified officers Stationary Ministry of Child Development 3 Design of data collection instruments Questionnaire Prepare questionnaire Test questionnaire relevanted July Stationary Human Resources Computers Ministry of CD 4. Design of analysis and reports. Analysis format report out lines. Prepare report out line Identify the standards August Stationnary \Ministry of CD 5. Capacity Building Awareness workshop Aware officers provincial level Aware communities Sep - Oct Committee provincial level Provincial authorities 6. Data Collection & processing Data Collect data Oct - Nov Zonal level committee Provincial authority & Zonal officers 7. Data and policy analysis and report production. Analyse report Registration forms Aware relevant officers Gathering data Analyse the data Identify the issues Nov.-Dec Equipment Statistician Department & Ministry of CD