Critical Reflection on Experience Dr Anita Walsh National Teaching Fellow June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Full academic recognition of experiential learning relatively recent Introduction of academic credit framework led to focus on outcomes of a learning process c.f. ‘inputs’ (= teaching) Experiential learning is different in nature to formal abstract learning so need careful planning to combine them both Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Academic disciplines are the way that knowledge is organised and produced in the universities Experiential learning acquired a different way – Biggs: Declarative, process, conditional, functioning knowledge Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Function knowledge is performance knowledge Jarvis: practical knowledge can combine content and process knowledge Can include knowing that – but also knowing when, what, how and why It is integrated knowledge Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Approaches such as reflection are increasingly used so students can be supported in demonstrating learning that has not been ‘taught’ BUT important to remember that, although learning can arise from experience, they are not the same thing It is the learning that is of interest to us! Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Consideration of the learning context is therefore important – what sort of learning do you want the student to demonstrate? How much scope do they have for such learning? What type of experiences are they likely to learn from? Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience It is highly unlikely that specific subject content will be found in experiential learning unless it is designed to be there Reflection on experience usually focuses partly on thinking about process The student identifies what is learned while undertaking a given task/experience Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Since such learning is of higher education standard, theory should be included - but how much? What balance between content and process are we looking for? Do we want students to learning experiential learning models or just use them? Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience This should be specified in the learning outcomes for the course Appropriate assessment is fundamental – if we want the students to demonstrate presentation skills or the ability to reflect on their learning, we must ensure that the assessment requires them to demonstrate such skills Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience The intellectual demand of reflection should increase in the same way that subject content does If using critical reflection how will you define that at different levels? What sort of reflection? Single loop/double loop learning Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience How will you ensure that students are clear what is required of them? Workshops, individual supervision, online materials Explicit assessment criteria Turku/Oulu June 2010
Critical Reflection on Experience Students are familiar with conventional learning, teaching and assessment They are much less familiar with experiential learning and its assessment If you consider your own subject, how best do you think you can assess this? Turku/Oulu June 2010