Justification By Faith GALATIANS Justification By Faith
GALATIANS: BACKGROUND Exact location of “the churches of Galatia” isn’t certain; either ethnic Galatians (Gauls) in N. part of Asia Minor (Turkey) or residents of Roman province of Galatia in S. of A.M. Probably written prior to A.D. 49, since doesn’t mention Jerusalem Conference (Acts 15)
Purpose & theme Argues against imposing circumcision on Gentiles; same problem discussed in Acts 15 Meeting in Jerusalem settled this question in theory, but not all agreed Paul has to deal with it in several letters (Rom., Phil., Eph., Col., 1 & 2 Tim., Titus) Theme = Justification (being put right with God) comes only through Faith in Christ – not through the works of the Law
What Gal. tells about Paul That he received his gospel “through a revelation of Jesus Christ” That he was a leader in Judaism before he followed Christ That he was commissioned to preach Christ “among the Gentiles” That he went to Arabia after his conversion & calling That he had the approval of the Jerusalem apostles (but didn’t need it) That he had a run-in with Peter over eating with Gentiles That he 1st preached to the Gals. b/c of an illness That he wrote in large letters at the end of his letter(s)
Important thoughts in gal. Trying to add to the gospel of Christ creates a “different gospel” “If justification were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.” All who rely on the works of the law are under a curse The law was never intended to save, but to show us our sinfulness “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore & do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Following Christ obligates us to avoid the “works of the flesh” & produce the “fruit of the Spirit” We are responsible for one another in the body of Christ
Lessons for today We must resist the imposition of human _____________ which distort the gospel. What Christ has done for us is more than ______________ & nothing can be added. Legalistic rules ______________ us; Christ sets us _____________. It is possible to ___________ from _____________, by trusting in anything other than Christ. Our freedom in Christ is not a pretext to _____________ one another.
Galatians: key verse “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if justification were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.” Galatians 2:21