“Handy” Guidelines to Serving Sizes Rules of Thumb “Handy” Guidelines to Serving Sizes
Items to Compare to… Nickel (in diameter) Tennis Ball 2 ounces of dry spaghetti = 1 cup cooked spaghetti Tennis Ball 1 cup cooked rice 15 grapes Deck of Cards or Palm of Hand 3 oz. of meat
Items to Compare to… Baseball 1” Wood Cube or a Thumb CD 12 oz potato chips 1 cup cold cereal, corn flakes, or granola 1” Wood Cube or a Thumb 1 oz cheese CD 1 slice of bread
Items to Compare to… Matchbook One Fist - Closed One Handful – Open 1 tablespoon oil, salad dressing, or butter One Fist - Closed 1 cup cereal, rice, pasta One Handful – Open 1 or 2 ounces of snack food