Self Esteem A Key to Good Decision Making


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Presentation transcript:

Self Esteem A Key to Good Decision Making Fall Freshman Health Self Esteem A Key to Good Decision Making *

Fall Health Topics Self Esteem Healthy Relationships Healthy Communication Family Planning STI’s Digital Safety Sexual Violence

Behavior Norms Due to the serious and personal nature of the topics we ask the following Questions are encouraged, but try to keep them on the topic at hand. Avoid the use of slang terminology when possible. Some people laugh and joke when they are uncomfortable, try to avoid this behavior. We have no idea what some people have been through and how it may make them feel.

Behavior Norms Due to the serious and personal nature of the topics we ask the following Refrain from judgmental comments Although it is good to discuss topics from class please avoid talking about other student’s comments. If you have to, please keep it anonymous. If you feel uncomfortable asking a question in class, please write out your question and leave it for the teacher to get to later.

Essential Question What should I understand to be best prepared for the risks associated with intimate relationships?

Please do not share your score with your classmates. Self Esteem Survey Complete the self esteem survey Add the number of boxes you checked and note your score. Please do not share your score with your classmates. Wait quietly for classmates to finish You and senior leader pass out survey. Explain -that teens are more susceptible to bouts of LSE -If you do suffer from LSE there are many tools to improve it -it is never too late to build healthy self-esteem *

Small Group Task Brainstorm ideas on what you believe can effect your level of self-esteem. Positively and Negatively You or senior leader pass out small group task sheet and guided note taking sheet *


DOVE CLIP – ONSLAUGHT You are beautiful Missrepresentation Do you think the media really has an effect on a persons self-esteem? Why/Why not?

Question for Discussion Is it possible that having low self-esteem can lead teens to engage in risky behaviors? Why? What type of behaviors? Give an example of a possible scenario. Try to get students to connect self-respect and self-esteem. Try to get students to connect LSE to the inability to stand up for ones self. *

Protective Factors Your suggestions What are some ways you might improve or protect your self-esteem Your suggestions *

Tools to help improve your level of self Esteem. Recognize what you can change and what you can't. Set goals and strive for them. Take pride in your opinions and ideas. Make a contribution. Exercise! Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself. Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection View mistakes as learning opportunities Try new things

Remember! Self-esteem plays a role in almost everything you do. People with higher self-esteem do better in school and find it easier to make friends. They tend to have better relationships with peers and adults, feel happier, find it easier to deal with mistakes, disappointments, and failures, and are more likely to stick with something until they succeed. It takes some work to develop good self-esteem, but once you do it's a skill you'll have for life. *