OPTIMISING THE TRANSITION FROM HOME TO HOSPITAL ENHANCING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARE PARTNERS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF DEMENTIA CARE IN HOSPITAL Aim: To improve quality of care through enhanced communication between Individuals with dementia (IwD), unpaid carers, and health professionals during unscheduled admissions to the hospital from home and attendances at A&E Objectives To investigate what is currently considered “good practice” during the period of transition from home to hospital? To understand the current experiences of communication at time of unscheduled admission to hospital? To use collaborative design approaches in the development of an admissions support package Research Process Background: Dementia affects both receptive and expressive communication, meaning IWD may need additional support during hospital admissions. Current research shows that IWD stay in hospital longer, have worse medical outcomes, and experience poor care more frequently than their peers. Methods: Mixed methods research using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Intervention design informed by principles of Asset Based Problem Solving What is Asset based problem solving? Asset based problem solving is an approach which recognizes and values a combination of human, social, and physical capital which exists within an organisation and uses that a starting point to create solutions based on what people value most. It is underpinned by “attitudes and values related to personal and collective empowerment”1 Email: C.J.Shaw@bradford.ac.uk Phone: 07415827558 Twitter: @Courtneyjshaw1 Phase 1 Literature Review Phase 2 Survey Phase 3 Interviews Phase 4 Co-design Phase 5 Feasibility assessment