How much is a portion?
PROTEIN (meat) ***3 oz. meat is like a deck of cards Need 5 oz. daily One Serving: 1 oz. lean meat, poultry, or fish 1 Tbsp. peanut butter ¼ cup cooked beans ½ oz. nuts or seeds 1 egg
VEGETABLES 1 cup vegetables = light bulb Need 3 servings daily One Serving: 1 cup raw or cooked 2 cups leafy greens
FRUIT 1 cup fruit = tennis ball Need 4 Servings Daily One Serving: 1 medium piece of fruit 1 cup cut fresh fruit ½ cup dried fruit 1 cup fruit juice
Grains: BREAD and Cereal 1 cup cereal = baseball 1 oz. bread = CD 6 oz. daily One Serving: 1 slice bread ½ bagel 1 tortilla ½ cup cooked rice or pasta 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal ½ cup cooked cereal (oatmeal)
DAIRY 1 cup dairy = 8 fl.oz = school lunch carton 1.5 oz. cheese = 6 dice Need 3 cups daily One Serving: 1 cup milk 1.5 oz hard cheese ½ cup ice cream 2 cups cottage cheese 1/3 cup shredded cheese 1 cup yogurt
OILS 1 tsp. oil = a quarter