Growth Mindset: Game Changer Brain Changer
Is Effort a requirement for Success?
Babies Are Engaged Learners
You Don’t See Unmotivated Babies!
Labeling of Children:
Labeling of Children:
Feeling This Creates in Children:
The Trophy Generation:
How Do We Make Help Children Remain Engaged Learners? MINDSET MATTERS!
Time to Complete your Mindset Survey… Directions to complete survey…. Two copies one to complete now and one for a resource later.
What Motivates Students to Try Hard in School? Some students are highly motivated and others are not WHY?
Growth Mindset and Achievement Decades of research show a powerful relationship between mindset and achievement. Students’ beliefs about intelligence and learning impact: Motivation Academic behaviors (e.g., studying and seeking help) Responses to challenges and setbacks Academic achievement
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Intelligence is a fixed trait. You can’t change it. Growth mindset You can grow your intelligence through effort. Carol Dweck, who pioneered this research, began studying students’ beliefs about intelligence because she was interested in the question of why some students are so resilient in the face of challenges while others are not. What she found was that students generally hold one of two very different beliefs about intelligence. Some students have what she calls a “fixed mindset” - the belief that intelligence is a fixed trait that doesn’t change much. So, like eye color - these students believe you’re born with a certain amount of it and there’s not much you can do to change it. Other students have a very different belief about intelligence - a growth mindset. They see it more like a muscle that grows with effort.
What Do These Mindsets Look Like? Fixed Mindset “I just can’t learn math; I’m not good at it” Growth Mindset “Math is hard, but if I keep trying, I can get better at it” Believe intelligence is something you’re born with…or not Believe intelligence is the result of effort and continued work Desire to look smart, to avoid looking dumb Desire to learn, even if it takes effort Tend to see challenges as threatening Tend to embrace challenges as fun and exciting Tend to give up when things get hard Tend to persist in the face of setbacks Ignore criticism Learn from criticism Feel threatened when others are successful Find inspiration and lessons in others’ successes See the path to success as something out of their control See their own effort as the path to success
So, are we born… Good at math? Good at acting? Good at science? Good at music?
Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back? Dweck’s research raises an important question about the connection between what you believe and what you do. If you believe things about yourself like… “It’s hard for me to lose weight.” “I’m not good with numbers.” “I’m not a natural athlete.” “I’m not creative.” “I’m a procrastinator.” A fixed mindsets will cause you to avoid experiences where you might feel like a failure.
Growth Mindset and Social/Emotional Learning Were Critical for Student Success
One Shot, One Day……
One Shot One Day…….Cross the Line.
Sustained Program to address both…. Didn’t exist This later became, LIFE MATTERS
Our Search Continued As our search continued it appeared our students were become less resilient to life’s ups and downs…… so we continued to search
Our new challenge was not only to build students academically, but support them emotionally through a growth mindset program…….
People have increased their IQ by 30 POINTS With the right mindset people can achieve more than an IQ test might reveal. Remember grades do not show your potential – they only show how you are doing right NOW.
Quick Take A-ways………
The Power of: YET
A mistake that moved my learning on…. My Favorite Mistakes: Means I Start To Acquire Knowledge Experience & Skills A mistake that moved my learning on….
Norton Middle School Joyce Gerber: Jackie McDonnell: Brittany Bruce: