Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer,
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE : - You can cross cancel here
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : EXAMPLE :
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : 3 EXAMPLE : 1
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : 3 EXAMPLE : 1
Multiplying Fractions Actually, this is the easiest operation to perform on fractions. Numerator times numerator, denominator times denominator. If you can, try to “cancel” or factor a common factor first then multiply. If there is a mixed number involved, you must change it to improper first. If you get an improper fraction as an answer, change it to a mixed number answer, EXAMPLE : 3 EXAMPLE : 1 EXAMPLE :