What is our vision? Sioux Central Activities Department “Sioux Central will provide opportunities for each student to develop academically, emotionally, and socially into a competent and responsible citizen.” “Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” – Frank L. Gaines
Philosophy The purpose of activities at Sioux Central Community Schools is to build a participant that is aware of how their individual role on a organization plays into a larger picture of life circumstances and situations. We believe this philosophy is met through building students of high character that are accountable, confident, passionate, hard-working, and disciplined on the fields/courts, and in life. We want our participants to build solid relationships through commitment and sacrifice in order to be part of something bigger, and better. “Number one is just to gain a passion for running. To love the morning, to love the trail, to love the pace on the track. And if some kid gets really good at it, that’s cool too.” – Pat Tyson
“The Simple Seven”---Pillars of Achievement for the Sioux Central Activity Programs Commitment Team Work Community-Centered Respect Accountability Differentiation Maximum Effort It is the intention of the Activity Department that all active roles have a responsibility to implement the pillars in their respective role. Examples of such roles would include, but not limited to: School Administrators, coaches, athletes, teachers, parents, community members, and school board personnel.
Commitment Commitment for programs comes in many different forms. We all understand the commitment by participants, but it takes much more than just them for a program to be successful. Commitment may come in the form of time, money, equipment, or just general support. In order for our programs to be successful we all need to have the same desire to achieve the same goals. We do not all need to have the same value system, but we do all need to value the system. “There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between.” – Pat Riley
Team Work A team is much bigger than the lead, the superstars, or even the starters.We believe that all members of the team have value, skills, expertise, and talent in a way that will be a positive contribution to the team. We expect all team members to contribute in a way that is best for the team first, the individual second. It is our job as adults, and educators, to mold the young people in a way that they understand the importance of teamwork in everyday life. “One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. ” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Community Centered Being part of a group is one of the basic needs of all human beings. We believe that contributing to a cause that is bigger than oneself will not only benefit them, but the entire group, and is something that can be carried into the rest of their lives. We value all forms of community, but want our participants to know that family will have to come first at some points, and we understand and support its doing so.
Respect Respect is a characteristic that costs little to gain, but a lot if lost. We expect our participants and their supporters to have respect at all times. Respect for the opposition, for each other, for officials, for authority, but most of all, for oneself. For without respect of oneself, there can not be respect for others.
Accountability It is the goal of the activities department to inspire the participants to hold themselves accountable first, their colleagues second. Teaching discipline and self-respect are staples of teaching self- accountability. Participants need to exhibit accountability in the form of punctuality, communication, attendance, and performance, among other areas. “You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation.” – Homer Rice
Differentiation Just like in the classroom, the performance arena requires differentiation of coaching. We believe that all participants are unique in their abilities and gifts, therefore, their situations are unique. Fair is not always equal. Most of the time it is, but not always. This is apparent when you analyze the different levels of competition. The expectations and organization at the Junior high level are different than the high school level.
Philosophies of JH/JV/Varsity Team and individual skills are introduced to the student-athletes with an emphasis on basic skills. Emphasis is placed on development and broad based participation throughout the student body. Team work and sportsmanship will be emphasized in practice and competition. Students will be introduced to interscholastic competition for the first time. Team and individual skills are sharpened in preparation for the jump to a varsity schedule that is more competitive and demanding. Playing time and level are performance and achievement based. The time demands and level of commitment will gradually increase leading to varsity competition. The emphasis is to field the best team possible. Maturity and skill level of the student athlete are key ingredients for varsity players. At this level there are no guarantees of playing time.
Maximum Effort We expect all participants to give maximum to do their best any time they step on the field/court/stage. We understand that an individual's maximum may change day-to-day based on circumstances, but expect that maximum to be displayed every day. “You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave–win or lose.” – Gordie Howe
Closing This outlines my vision and expectations of our activities programs offered here at Sioux Central. It is my expectation that these pillars are applicable to any of our coaches, players, participants, fans, parents, and teachers at all times. Activities are not a right, but a privilege that students choose to participate in. However, we are in the business of education. It is our job to teach, inspire, and prepare our students to be successful in any area they choose for the present and future.
Closing The majority of our participants in our activities will not become professionals in that activity. However, they will be professionals in some other areas and it is part of our responsibility to lead them. To create a safe environment that teaches acceptance of values and allows them to make mistakes, and to learn from those mistakes. The field/court/stage is an extension of the classroom, but the lessons they learn will be applicable for the rest of their lives.
Favorite Quote “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan