PATHWAYS 4 Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking Mrs. Elizabeth Celeste Coiman-Lopez, BAT., MS ESOL 0356 CONVERSATION – LEVEL 4 Intensive English as a Second Language Houston Community College – Alief-Hayes Campus Fall 2017
This is a course that is designed to: To improve aural comprehension of academic lectures To improve note-taking skills To enhance verbal communication of complex ideas. COURSE DEFINITION
This course is intended to prepare students for college classes and general speaking assignments following these objectives, the students will: Make inferences regarding complex ideas. Continue to refine their oral production skills. Improve note-taking skills Use their notes to summarize, orally and written. Function in everyday academic interactions. COURSE PURPOSE
LEARNING OUTCOMES Students should be able to: Produce pronunciation accurate enough to be comprehended by peers. Demonstrate fluency in class discussions. Write a major researched oral presentation using a variety of visual resources. Deliver an effective oral summary of a text on an academic topic.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will: Produce spoken discourse with few errors in pronunciation, Produce sentences with accurate stress and intonation patterns. Participate in small-group discussions, panel discussions or debates. Select a topic of interest to the class: Organize a 5-7 minutes presentation. Use a variety of audio and visual resources in the presentation. Deliver the presentation to the class, and answer questions. Outline the presentation or reading passage: Discuss the main ideas and details of the passage in groups. Produce a summary of the main ideas and details.
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS Lectures and note-taking Listening and summarizing Discussions in pairs, small groups, or whole class. Presentations and reports Dictations Vocabulary building Independent study
ASSESSMENTS - In groups - In pairs - Individual Oral presentations: - At least 4: -At least 3 Listening tests: - Final Exam - Quizzes Notes taken from lectures Oral summaries of recorded material -understanding - fluency Recording of reading aloud: Dictations
STUDENT SUCCESS Good attendance + hard work = SUCCESS If absent, the student is responsible for contacting the professor ASAP: Find out what you missed Find out if the work can be made up Pay attention, listen, and ask questions. Listen respectfully Concentrate and use English with peers Do homework, because the brain learns by seeing words and ideas many times in different ways. Do your own work and learn, not copying STUDENT SUCCESS
12.5% of 80 hour course = 10 hours (4 classes) No absences are excused Classes and tests begin on time Late (tardy) 10 minutes = 1 hour class absence 3 lateness = 1 full class absence ATTENDANCE
Ticket to come to class will be to turn in your phone or phones and place them in the basket Phones will be returned at the end of the class In-class use of the phones will be at the discretion of the professor. Phones will be only used in assigned activity Improper use of technology during class will count toward absences: 1 warning = 1 hour class LEARNING MODE
Students will have everything ready at the beginning of the class to start the test on time All backpacks will be placed in front of the class: Put everything inside, including watches No beverages are allowed during quizzes and tests. Paper dictionaries are allowed in class. TESTING MODE
1 day late without a reason acceptable by the professor = 15 points less 2 days late = 30 points down Homework not accepted after 2 days If absent from class, you cannot receive full credit for the homework HOMEWORK
Below 70 = IP or F (not passing) FX = Failure due to excessive absence HCC GRADING SCALE 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C Below 70 = IP or F (not passing) FX = Failure due to excessive absence
Oral Presentations 30% Listening Quizzes 35% Activities and Participation 15% Final Examination 20% 100% GRADING FORMULA
CALENDAR Week 1 Hurricane Harvey Week 2 Hurricane Harvey Week 3 Unit 1 Week 4 Unit 1 - Quiz #1 Week 5 Unit 2 - Presentation #1 – Individual p. 20 Week 6 Unit 2 - Quiz #2 Week 7 Unit 3 Week 8 Unit 3 - Quiz #3 Week 9 Unit 4 - Presentation #2 – Group Debate p. 40 Week 10 Unit 4 - Quiz #4 Week 11 Unit 6 Week 12 Unit 6 - Quiz #5 and Presentation #3 – Groups by countries p. 60 Week 13 Unit 7 Week 14 Unit 7 - Quiz #6 Week 15 Unit 8 - Presentation #4 – Pairs p. 140 Week 16 Final Examination CALENDAR