國立交通大學電子物理系 專題演講 Quantum optics in 3-level superconducting artificial atoms: Controlling one-photon and two-photon transparency Abstract We experimentally study interactions between two microwave fields mediated by transmon-type 3-level artificial atom. The transmon has good selection rule, preventing one-photon transition, but allowing two-photon transition from ground state(0) to 2nd excited state(2). By pumping a control tone in resonance to the transition between 1st(1) and 2nd excited state(2), we control the one-photon transparency for 0 to 1 transition and two-photon transparency for 0 to 2 transition. Realization of large Kerr non-linearity using a 4-level system is discussed. Time:10/22(Thu.) 13:20-15:10 Place:基礎科學大樓B1 次軒聽 (SC001) Speaker:郭華丞(Watson, Kuo) , 國立中興大學物理系 Host:陳煜璋 (Yu-Chang, Chang)