Greek & Latin – Week 2 (9Q2) Remember to use context when deciding the meaning of a word! word part definition examples loqu, locu talk, speak loquacious, eloquently, colloquial, elocution circumlocution (circum = round) loc, loco place, area local, location, locate leg, lect law legal, allege, allegation, legislation, legitimate, election, elect dic, dict say, speak dictation, dictator, indictment, verdict, dictionary, contradict (contra = against)
words & definition examples loquacious - talkative eloquently – speaking in an effective, persuasive way elocution – skill of clear, expressive speech colloquial – language used informally, among peers circumlocution – talking in circles, vague speech locate – to know the exact place of / location – a specific place legitimate – to follow law or rules election - process of voting allege - to report before providing proof / allegation – unproven accusation legislation – making laws dictator – ruler with total power (his/her word is the law) indictment – formal accusation of a crime contradict – to speak against; to deny what someone else says verdict – a decision made on a civil or legal case words & definition examples
Exercise A – Choose the best word for each sentence. 1. Teenagers trying to stall questioning, nosy adults are good at the art of __, and avoid giving direct answers. location circumlocution indictment 2. After the court released the __ to the public, there were riots because so many people did not like the decision the court made. verdict election colloquial 3. Before being used in commercials for Dunkin' Donuts and LL. Bean, the ___ expression 'wicked awesome' was mostly heard in the New England states. dictation colloquial allegation 4. Spongebob may be one of the most __ cartoon characters ever; he never seems to stop talking, and talking, and talking, but doesn't say much that's important. legitimate eloquent loquacious 5. I don't have trouble __ my car keys in the morning because I put them in the same place every time I walk in the door. dictating alleging locating
Exercise B – Choose the synonym for each word in bold. elocution: expressiveness mumble screech contradict: agree verify dispute loquacious: quiet subdued motormouth indictment: charge praise glorify elect: appoint reject vote legal: unacceptable straight wrong allege: withdraw claim protest
Exercise C – Choose the antonym for each word in bold. elocution: expressiveness mumble pronunciation contradict: agree deny dispute allege: withdraw charge declare dictator: tyrant peasant bully loquacious: chatty gushing quiet indictment: charge praise accusation locate: find place lose legislation: rule illegal statute
Exercise A: Answer Key circumlocution verdict colloquial loquacious locating Exercise B Expressiveness Dispute Motormouth Charge Vote Straight claim Exercise C Mumble Agree Withdraw Peasant Quiet Praise Lose Illegal