Organizational Structure Why is this important? Where do we fit in? Who is responsible for what? Today I want to talk about the organizational structure associated with sponsored project administration and research at Auburn University I will discuss why the structure is important, where we all fit in, and who is responsible for what pieces of the pie.
Introduction & overview Chaos a state of utter confusion or disorder a total lack of organization or order any confused, disorderly mass Certification Program First of all – why is organizational structure so important? Chaos……. How many of you sometimes feel like you reside in a perpetual state of chaos? I am not sure I live in total chaos but I often feel like things are in a bit of disarray
Certification Program Air Traffic on the east coast of the U.S. at 4:45 pm EST on a Friday Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM24) shown in red is a Boeing 747 travelling 590 mph on its way to Amsterdam. A 747 holds approximately 415 persons plus the crew Certification Program So this is a picture of the southeastern us from a website called Flight Radar 24. If you are a serious nerd like me, you will actually have the app on your iphone too. This is a lot of air traffic all in the sky at the same time. Of course we all know that the planes are not really that close to each other but it is still a very busy place at any given moment. The plane highlighted in red is a KLM 747. That is one plane out of all of these planes. I would says there are thousands of folks in the sky depending on the planes to take off, fly and land safely. So how does something that looks pretty chaotic actually work?
736 pages in just the basic guide…….. This is the basic guide for air traffic controllers. It contains over 736 pages and that is just the introductory stuff… So what is this all about? 736 pages in just the basic guide……..
Rules, Regulations, Chain of Command Introduction & overview Rules, Regulations, Chain of Command Rules provide standards for performance for the safety of the institution and her employees Regulations provide guidance to assist all of us in pursuing a common goal in a common manner The Chain of Command provides the infrastructure for leadership, decision making, accountability, authority, and assumption of risk Certification Program The university org chart sort of shows the general chain of command.
Introduction & overview I think some people would look at this chart and say that the people who work in the colleges and departments supporting the faculty are at the bottom of the org chart. I suggest that these individuals are the foundation upon which the entire institution is built and is supported. What do you see as your role in the institution? You Are Here
Introduction & overview Administrative Personnel The foundation for all decisions made at Auburn University They are the ones who see and know everything that occurs They start every process and determine the success or failure The strength of the University is dependent upon their decision and daily activities Certification Program The administrative personnel in the departments and colleges are the ones who support the faculty and others in their research administration activities.
Introduction & overview At Auburn, research administration responsibilities are shared by multiple departments: The Office of Sponsored Programs The Office of Contracts and Grants Accounting The Office of Research Compliance The Office of Innovation Advancement and Commercialization Certification Program A few of the major responsible offices are
Certification Program President Provost Executive Vice President Vice President for Research and Economic Dev Certification Program Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Research Associate Vice President for Business and Finance This is a very rough outline of where stuff falls within the sponsored programs institutional structure OSP ORC IAC CGA
Introduction & overview Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal development and review Award negotiation and acceptance Subcontracting Non-financial post award activities Certification Program
Office of Contracts & Grants Accounting Invoicing / Final billing and reporting Cost Transfers Audits F & A Effort Reporting
Office of Research Compliance IRB IACUC IBC RCR FCOI (PHS, NSF and AU) Certification Program
Office of Innovation Advancement and Commercialization Introduction & overview Office of Innovation Advancement and Commercialization Invention Disclosures Management of the Patent Process Marketing and licensing of Auburn IP Copyright Material Transfer Agreements Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements Certification Program
Others involved in the process Departmental Administrators Principal Investigators Associate Deans for Research College Level Research Administrators Certification Program
Introduction & overview If you know: where you fit into the organizational structure what other offices are involved in the various processes who is in charge of what activities who to call or where to go to get answers to questions Certification Program
Then the entire organization will be more efficient and productive You will be content in your work and more valuable to your supervisors with opportunities for advancement within the organization or with other similar employers. So welcome to the compass course and take every opportunity to learn as much as you can from the instructors over the course of the next few weeks.
Organizational Structure provides the COMPASS for everyone to know the direction we all should be going