i>Clicker Questions Chapter 30: Conservative America in the Ascent, 1980–1991 i>Clicker Questions
1. Ronald Reagan was part of the rise of what late-twentieth-century political phenomenon? a. The New Left b. The New Right c. The Moral Majority d. The Vital Center
2. Which issues did newly formed conservative think tanks such as the Cato Institute and the American Enterprise Institute work to advance? a. Free-market economics b. Environmentalism c. Expanded social welfare policies d. Affirmative action
3. Which development was an important factor in President Carter's sinking popularity in 1980? a. The Watergate scandal b. Deregulation of the airline industry c. The Iranian hostage crisis d. The Camp David Accords
4. The term "Reagan Democrats" describes voters who shared what characteristics? a. Upper-middle-class backgrounds and previous support for Democratic candidates b. Blue-collar backgrounds and previous support for Democratic candidates c. Upper-middle-class, urban backgrounds and Democratic voting histories d. Blue-collar backgrounds, Democratic voting histories, and opposition to Reagan
5. What part of the Republican Party's 1980 platform reflected the influence of the Moral Majority? a. The call for an end to court-mandated busing for racial integration in the schools b. The offer of free television broadcast rights for evangelical churches c. The demand for mandatory conversion therapy for American gays and lesbians d. The call for a constitutional ban on abortion and voluntary prayer in public schools
6. How did the Supreme Court change under Reagan's administration? a. Becoming more liberal b. Growing more conservative c. Reversing Roe v. Wade d. Becoming more active in the protection of civil rights
7. President Reagan was slow to commit national resources to efforts to find a treatment or cure for a. AIDS. b. Alzheimer's. c. cancer. d. heart disease.
8. How did the computer industry change in the 1970s and 1980s? a. The introduction and spread of personal computers b. The spread of Internet use c. The rise of Internet shopping d. The rapid expansion of social media sites
9. Why did Ronald Reagan actively encourage a coup against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua? a. Reagan had a personal vendetta against their leader, Manuel Noriega. b. The Sandinistas had overthrown the U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza. c. The Sandinistas had undermined Panamanian drug traffic that financed illegal CIA operations. d. The Sandinistas had violated American corporate property rights with their land reforms.
10. While the Cold War world was divided between the rival communist and capitalist blocs, it was clear by the 1990s that the post–Cold War world would be a. dominated by the United States. b. unified and peaceful. c. multipolar. d. divided between Christians and Muslims.
Answer Key 1. The answer is b. 2. The answer is a. 3. The answer is c. 5. The answer is d. 6. The answer is b. 7. The answer is a. 8. The answer is a. 9. The answer is b. 10. The answer is c.