Great Pyramids at Giza - Cairo, Egypt
Abu Simbal - Lake Nasser, Egypt
Hatshepsut’s Temple-Valley of the Queen’s, Egypt
Luxor Temple -Luxor, Egypt
Step Pyramid - Saqqara, Egypt
Sphinx - Cairo, Egypt
Baths of Caracalla - Rome, Italy
Colosseum - Rome, Italy
Hadrian’s Wall - United kingdom
Trajan’s Market - Rome, Italy
Pantheon - Rome, Italy
Roman Forum - Rome, Italy
Pont du Gard - Nimes, France
Lion’s Gate - Mycenae, Greece
Palace of Knossos - Knossos, Greece
Stoa of Attalus - Athens Greece
Parthenon - Athens, Greece
Temple of Athena Nike-Athens, Greece
Erechtheum - Athens, Greece
Temple of Hephaistos - Athens, Greece
Theater at Epidaurus-Argos, Greece
Stonehenge - Salisbury, England,U.K.
The Temple Mount and Wailing Wall - Jerusalem, Israel
King Untash Napirisha’s Ziggurat - Chogha Zanbil Iraq