Making the most of STRESS
Stress What do you find most stressful? Meetings? Systems? Professionals? Lack of time? NB Stress and Anxiety are different things.
Stress If manageable is healthy. It gives us challenges that add purpose and a sense of achievement to our lives. It is motivating and can be invigorating.
DI-Stress Stress becomes distress when it is unmanageable and can be completely debilitating. So what can we do for ourselves?
Over you to you… think of what we can do for ourselves to make stress less problematic.
Ideas. Recognise when we are becoming distressed. Relaxation techniques. Put yourself first sometimes. Positive self talk. Have a strategy to diffuse situations. Learn to be assertive.
Ideas Time management. Apply some rules . Recognise your sources of support.
Most importantly Have faith in yourself. You can only control what is happening now. Stop feeling guilty. Be positive. It’s OK to be angry sometimes. Answer to yourself and not others.
And… Look after yourself. Try and find a little time to relax. Keep a sense of humour. Stop worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. Try and develop some of these things over time, at your own pace.
Look after yourself. You’re worth it