6/11 English III Agenda TSW discuss and analyze the use of characterization, symbolism and figures of speech in Lord of the Flies in to complete reading journals in order to have a better understanding of the themes of the novel. Focus: N/A Activities: 1. Class: View and discuss film version of Lord of the Flies. Closing: Independent reading time.
6/12 English III Agenda TSW discuss and analyze the use of characterization, symbolism and figures of speech in Lord of the Flies in to complete reading journals in order to have a better understanding of the themes of the novel. Focus: N/A Activities: 1. Class: View and discuss film version of Lord of the Flies. Closing: Independent reading time.
6/13 English III Agenda TSW discuss and analyze the use of characterization, symbolism and figures of speech in Lord of the Flies in to complete reading journals in order to have a better understanding of the themes of the novel. Focus: N/A Activities: 1. Class: View and discuss film version of Lord of the Flies. Closing: Independent reading time.
6/14 English III Agenda TSW discuss and analyze the use of characterization, symbolism and figures of speech in Lord of the Flies in to complete reading journals in order to have a better understanding of the themes of the novel. Focus: Review Essay topic Activities: 1. Class/Individuals: Work on Lord of the Flies Essay Closing: Independent reading time.
6/15 English III Agenda TSW discuss and analyze the use of characterization, symbolism and figures of speech in Lord of the Flies in to complete reading journals in order to have a better understanding of the themes of the novel. Focus: N/A Activities: 1. Class/Individuals: Complete Lord of the Flies Essay Closing: Independent reading time.