Studying Context LO: To identify aspects of context within a text To develop a personal (and interesting) response to two contrasting extracts.
Noticing Context Noticing is a powerful tool when studying a literary text. You can pick up an awful lot about context of the time simply by reading the text. Definitions of each
Task Read the two extracts and complete the worksheet. Discuss what you learn about context from reading the text. Now read the context sheets you have been given. What new understanding has it added? What did you already know?
A Christmas Carol What do your learn about Christmas from this extract?
Write a response Write about how Dickens presents Christmas in A Christmas Carol. Apply the context you have noticed and learned about. Or Write about how Golding presents the theme of power and democracy in The Lord of The Flies. Apply the context you have noticed and learned about.
Model Paragraph In the extract, Dickens presents Christmas in a way which reflects 19th Century attitudes and beliefs… For example…. This suggests that….
Model Paragraph In the Lord of The Flies, Golding presents the theme of power and democracy through…