Strategies to Promote Collaboration
Informative Fact Handout Create a handout that informs classroom teachers of the specific skills and roles a media specialist can offer during collaboration Includes a collaboration request form Place the handout in all of the teacher mailboxes Send as an attachment to school e-newsletter at the beginning of the year and once again in January Once teachers fill out initial form, send follow up form to retrieve more specifics
Display Board Create a display board in the teacher’s lounge or area where teachers convene often Define the role of a media specialist in teacher-librarian collaboration Post pictures that highlight previous collaborations Include lesson evidence such as student samples and assessment tools used Have a pocket that holds the media collaboration form with directions on how to complete it and where to turn it in
Morning/Afternoon Announcements Highlight recent media center collaboration with classrooms Have students come on announcements and discuss the activities completed during the collaboration
Pre-planning Presentation Create a captivating technological presentation for pre-planning to give to all classroom teachers Include statistics that highlight the benefits of media collaboration on student learning List examples of previous lessons and units completed through media center collaboration Outline the process that needs to be taken by teachers
Bi-Weekly Email Every two weeks send out an email asking teachers what unit of instruction is coming up in their curriculum and if any resources are needed No formal document needed, just a running dialogue with teachers on what they may need in regards to instruction
Library Blog Create a blog that highlights what is going on in the library exclusively Have a section titled collaboration Add descriptions and pictures of recent collaboration experiences explaining the instructional activities that are taking place during these times Link the collaboration form for teachers here too
Grade-Level Meetings Media Specialist attends the planning meetings of each grade-level in order to ask teachers what topics of instruction are coming up Offer to gather resources as well as pitch collaboration lesson/unit ideas Start with attending once a month, then gradually attend each weekly meeting Gradually collaborating with each team on instruction will become a normal routine
Collaboration Celebrations Gathering held once a month in the library after school for teachers An informal forum where teachers can share their successes with media center collaboration Have collaboration teacher forms available Allow teachers to fill out feedback forms to help make this experience more effective
Principal Meetings Meet with the principal every quarter to inform him/her about the collaboration that is taking place between the media center and classroom teachers Tell him/her the different strategies that you are implementing to promote collaboration and why it is an effective tool Present the overall goal of what you want collaboration to look like During the presentation attempt to gain their support in the attempt to make collaboration routine in the school