INTERACTIVE ADA ACCOMMODATIONS PROCESS: WHAT TO EXPECT NOTE: The interactive workplace accommodations process requires an individualized assessment of each request. This chart provides a framework of the steps taken in most cases, but individual cases may vary. If you have any questions, need an accommodation, or work with or supervise someone that you believe might require an accommodation, please contact ODE @ 203-392-5491 or Information is available online: ODE Communicates with Medical Provider The Request Discussion with Requestor The employee (requestor) communicates the need for workplace accommodations to a supervisor or the Office of Human resources who refers them to the Office of Diversity & Equity (ODE) or requestor communicates the request directly to ODE. The requestor completes the “Reasonable Accommodation Request Form and release form located on the ODE website and request meeting with the ODE director. ODE director meets with the requestor to explain the interactive process, review the completed forms, and to discuss the employee’s essential job functions (which ODE has confirmed with the supervisor), medical condition limitations as it pertains to the essential job functions, and the accommodations sought to allow the employee to perform their job. When necessary, ODE communicates directly with the requestor’s medical provider(s) to obtain information regarding the medical condition(s) (to determine if the requestor is “disabled” under state/federal law) and the accommodations sought. ODE will serve as a repository for any confidential medical information for the accommodation, which will not be shared outside of ODE. If Request is Medically Supported: ODE Discussion with Supervisor Interactive Dialogue Interim Accommodations ODE makes the final decision and communicates with the requestor and the supervisor to discuss options for accommodations that allow the requestor to perform his or her essential job functions without presenting an undue hardship to the department’s business needs. ODE will explore with the parties whether any interim accommodations are needed while the interactive accommodations process is underway. ODE will work with the requestor and his or her manager to assist in implementing interim accommodations, which may expire at the conclusion of the full interactive process. ODE meets with the requestor’s Supervisor to discuss the requestor’s essential job functions, limitations (but not medical diagnoses), and requested accommodations. ODE explores the request in light of the requestor’s job functions and the business needs of the department, including an examination of the hardship, if any, entailed by granting the request. ODE Provides Written Summary of Process Southern Connecticut State University Office of Diversity & Equity Programs If Request is Not Medically Supported At the conclusion of the interactive process, ODE memorializes the steps taken to consider the accommodation request and the basis of the decision for providing or refusing the requested accommodations. If the requestor does not have a “disability” or the request is not medically supported, there is no obligation to continue with the process. ODE will provide a written summary of steps taken. Updated April 2016