The generation of specific responses to stretch, pain or visceral sensations. Majoros Myrtill
The stretch reflex The reflex arc of the stretch reflex Stimulus : stretching of the muscle Receptor : muscle spindle, intrafusal muscle fibers, nuclear bag and nuclear chain receptors Afferent path : Ia and II type nerve fibers of sensory ganglion cells Center : spinal cord, ventral horn, somatomotor neurons (alpha type) Efferent path : axons of alpha motorneurons Effector structure : extrafusal muscle fibers of the muscle Compensatory action : shortening of the muscle
Withdrawal reflex
Visceral reflex The reflex arc of visceral reflexes Stimulus : change in pressure Receptor : baroreceptor, mechanoreceptor, chemoreceptor, heat receptor Afferent path : processes of pseudounipolar cells of spinal ganglia Center : spinal cord, brain stem Efferent path : preganglionic neurons projecting to the peripheral autonomic ganglion Processes of visceral ganglion cells projecting to the organs Effector structure : cardiac and smooth muscle
References meaning.html
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