Your Senior Project Presentation Spring 2017 Elma Feric Bojic + 387 33 944 492
Guidelines You must stand up and talk about your project for 15 minutes (adjust the number of slides accordingly and try to speak about one slide for about 1 minute). Up to 4 minutes of those 15 can be used to show a video, give a demonstration, etc. You must be prepared to answer questions about your project after your 15-minute speech. Your presentation must include an audio and/or visual component (a PowerPoint fulfills this requirement). You must address the following items in your speech: Introduction, The Project, Research, Conclusion.
The Speech Introduction Your Project Research Conclusion
Introduction Attention getter — something that relates to your project and draws the attention of the audience immediately. Ideas: Tell a story, cite a poem, ask a question, show a skill, connect your project to a current event, show a video, etc. Introduce yourself—give us a brief, relevant bio (educational history, plans for the future, interests)
Your Project Briefly describe what your project is. Describe how and why you chose your project. If your project morphed/changed from your original idea, address/explain this here. Present your project and describe the process you went through. Leave nothing out. Go into great detail here. This should be the bulk of your presentation. Include ANY evidence you have that is relevant and explanatory—pictures, infographics, written material, websites, video, etc. You can also use hard-copy audio/visuals (like a poster, etc.). Describe the challenges and successes you encountered. Explain what you learned from the process and how this was a learning stretch for you.
Research Explain the focus of your research and how you chose it. Explain what you learned from your research. Be thorough and complete. Explain all your research and introduce us to at least two of the sources you used. Explain how your findings: Furthered your project AND Will benefit you in the future. Mentor Who was your mentor, what were his/her qualifications, and how did s/he help you? Did anyone (or anything) else help you? Explain.
Conclusion Describe what you wish you would have done differently. Describe how your project will help you in the future. Was there any knowledge or skills that you learned that you will use in your life? Any unexpected learning or unintended outcomes? What advice do you have for next year’s Senior Project students? Make sure to thank all those who contributed to your project (even if they’re not at your presentation), as well as your audience, teachers, parents, etc.
Other Notes/Tips Try to strike a balance on your PowerPoint slides between text and visuals. Bear in mind that students must dress appropriately (clean jeans in good condition or slacks or skirt (no minis) or a dress, a button-down or blouse or clean plain shirt in good condition, shoes in good condition). This is a formal presentation; dress appropriately. If you have ANY other questions or need any further help, CONTACT ME! +387 33 944 492