Terminaciones --AR e, es, e, emos, en --ER/--IR a, as, a, amos, an Rule= go to the present tense yo form and add opposite vowel. Ej. nade, nades, nade, nademos, naden aprenda, aprendas, aprenda, aprendamos, aprendan Salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgan
IRREGULARES DAR ESTAR IR SABER SER VER dé esté vaya sepa sea vea des estés vayas sepas seas veas dé esté vaya sepa sea vea demos estemos vayamos sepamos seamos veamos den estén vayan sepan sean vean
Things To Remember “go” verbs Stem change –ar, -er (shoe verbs) Piense, pienses, piense, pensemos, piensen Stem change –ir Maintains throughout ( no shoe verb) Pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidan -Car, -Gar, -Zar ( no accents) Toque, toques, toque, toquemos, toquen Llegue, llegues, llegue, lleguemos, lleguen Empiece, empieces, empiece, empecemos, empiecen
SUBJUNTIVO V. INDICATIVO Subjunctive expresses an action or state that is not seen as fact, what you want others to do, or what they want you to do. Ej. I want John to go to the store. It is necessary for John to go to the store. John is going to the store. John went to the store. John goes to the store. John was going to the store. Subjunctive implies subjectivity.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE SUBJECT #1 + VERB IN INDICATIVE+ QUE + SUBJECT #2 + VERB IN SUBJUNCTIVE + REST OF SENTENCE. ( there are two DIFFERENT subjects) Ej. Sra. Coates quiere que Uds. estudien Español. Yo quiero que Uds. no hablen.
VERBS USED WITH SUBJUNCTIVE I did not make slides for the vocab (starters) . Use Handout sheet