|Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova Facultatea Științe Economice Catedra Business și Administrare, Relații Economice Internaționale,Turism E-COMMERCE |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ
Object of discipline This course will help students to: Understand the impact of the Internet, the World Wide Web, and emerging technological innovations on the marketing of goods and services. Familiarize with various types of e-business like Business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) and Consumer-to Consumer etc. The opportunities and challenges of e-commerce for consumers and for sellers/producers will be thoroughly explored. Be aware of a wide range of electronic commerce issues like Security, digital money, and ethical, legal and environmental, as a foundation for continual learning in the dynamic e-commerce environment Develop a deeper understanding of the critical attributes of a successful participant in today’s continuously changing markets. Apply fundamental concepts learned in economics and marketing classes, integrated with computer skills to create an online business.
Specific outcomes for the course Course Outcomes Code Specific outcomes for the course Knowledge K 1 K 1.1 To understand the concept and main principles of E-commerce, and its importance for international business, in the context of international cooperation K 2 K 2.1 To understand the security concerns and principles of e-commerce, the security of payments and the privacy policy for economic agents and individuals. K 3 K 3.1. To understand the various challenges or opportunities that e-commerce presents for the international economic relations, how it helps to develop international businesses and cooperation. Abilities S 1 S 1. 1 The ability to explain and develop solutions for implementing an e-commerce system/business. S 2 S 2. 1 The ability to develop strategies for improvement of e-commerce businesses, to estimate the national policy effect on this field S 3 S 3. 1 To apply the ethics of e-commerce towards the shoppers and sellers, to understand the limits between ethical an unethical behavior. Competences C 1 C 1. 1 The competence to collect and to interpret data related to e-sales, and its implications on general trade development of the country. C 2 C 2. 1 To evaluate the role of e-commerce for international trade relations of the country, and its implications on general economic development of the country C 3 C 3. 1 The application of knowledge and abilities to promote the international cooperation both in terms of phisical trade and e-trade.
Fundamentals of Marketing Prerequisites Microeconomics Macroeconomics IT software Fundamentals of Marketing
Bybliography Requiered readings: Watson T., Berthon P.Electronic commerce. The strategic perspective. New York:Palgrave MacMillan, 2008, 115 p. Andam Z. E-commerce and e-Business. Washington:UNDP, 2003, 45 p. Additional sources: Information economy report 2015.Geneva: UNCTAD, 2015, 136 p. Global E-commerce Report 2016 https://www.ecommercewiki.org/wikis/www.ecommercewiki.org/images/5/56/Global_B2C_Ecommerce_Report_2016. pdf Links: E-commerce lessons online http://www.aiu.edu/online/AIUFILES/Electronic%20Commerce/Lesson%201/Index.htm http://courses.aiu.edu/ec_lessons.html WEB encyclopedy http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/economics-business-and-labor/businesses- and-occupations/electronic-commerce E- Marketer https://www.emarketer.com/ E-commerce tutorials - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/e_commerce/e_commerce_tutorial.pdf The future of e-commerce http://www.criteo.com/media/4094/ovum-the-future-of-e-commerce-the-road-to-2026.pdf Global retail e- commerce index https://www.atkearney.com/documents/10192/5691153/Global+Retail+E- Commerce+Keeps+On+Clicking.pdf/abe38776-2669-47ba-9387-5d1653e40409
Share (%) of the final grade Assessment Methods Nr Type of assignment Share (%) of the final grade Work in group, projects, simulations. 30 2. Presentation of individual tasks, testing, contribution activity in the classroom 20 3. Class activity 5 4. Class Attendance 5. Final Exam 40 6. Total 100