Improve your web strategy What new research says about donor needs and nonprofit programs March 2004
Our goals Describe the current state-of-play for e-engagement Help your organization benefit from this research Provide tips to improve your organization’s Internet strategy
The research Two online surveys conducted in Feb. 2004 NFG sent to individuals (2,055 responses) GuideStar sent to nonprofits (6,434 responses) Compared to 2003 research study Analyzed research from secondary sources Funded by the Kellogg Foundation
The Internet is now part of everyday life Internet access continues to increase… …and is skewed towards younger age groups
Nonprofits are using the Internet in many ways… Providing information Gathering support Mission and goals Achievements Financials How funding is spent How to take action offline Online membership Online donations Online volunteer sign-ups Online petitions Online product or service purchases
Nonprofits use the Internet to connect with supporters How do you use the Internet to connect with supporters? Provide information Offer on-line donations, volunteer matching Target specific donors Offer new means of engagements 55% 28% 20% 97%
…and continue to add new functionality Most nonprofits provide information… …and many are adding support options Plan to offer in 2004 Currently offer
Nearly half of Internet users have engaged with nonprofits online Search for a way to volunteer Sign petition Search for info about a charitable org Search for info about a specific cause Search for a way to donate online Created a newsletter Other 49% engaged online
Of the 50% who visited charity-oriented sites, over 3 out of 4 took further action… What action(s) have you taken after visiting a charity-oriented website?
…and a visit to a charity web site prompts more action Would you have taken action had there been no website?
Sharing and seeking information is the most common form of e-engagement for supporters NPOs distribute information online… …and supporters take advantage of the resources 64% 36%
Online giving engages a younger demographic… % of age group who donated offline only % of age group who donated online
…and many users are researching online before giving in traditional ways Action reported after visiting a website Inertia is the chief obstacle to donating online
For many NPOs, e-engagement yields efficiencies and expands their reach… 87% agree the Internet provides a cheaper way to conduct transactions than offline methods… Disagree Agree 100 75 50 25 25 50 75 100 …And 65% of NPOs agree that the Internet has enabled them to reach a larger audience Disagree Agree 100 75 50 25 25 50 75 100
…but experience trails high expectations % of organizations that rated the following important or very important, effective or very effective Important Effective Provide information about your organization Generate more donations Create a community of engaged individuals Enlist more volunteers Sign up more members
Users and NPO expectations differ What makes a good non-profit website? (In order of importance) Characteristic NPO User 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 1 6 9 4 8 2 7 5 10 11 Easy to use Significant content on cause Visually pleasing Memorable URL Info about how to get involved Donate online Info on how donations are spent Volunteer opportunities Become member Advocate for cause Forum for discussion
Build the base for TRUE ENGAGEMENT NPO NPO NPO Provide information Gather support Foster interaction Online membership Online donations Online volunteer sign-ups Online petitions Online product or service purchases Mission and goals Achievements Financials How funding is spent How to take action offline Creating online communities of interest Pursuing mission-driven activities Direct donor-to-individual philanthropy
Engaging Sites Give Supporters: Ways to get involved: volunteer, donate, advocate Plenty of Information about the cause and how donations are spent Frequently changing content Ask for support Personalize Find local affiliates Take action Give Information Be accountable
Tips to Improve your Internet Strategy Actively drive supporters to your site Understand the needs of your potential online supporters Build a community Demonstrate good financial stewardship Garner support from a younger demographic Create interaction opportunities Build on the traffic from other sites Make it easy to take action both online or off