History: It is an open intercollegiate Cultural Literary and Sports fest hosted by Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. It was started in the year 2004 and usually has participation from over 30 colleges of various streams from all over the country. The Ramaiah University offers 17 different courses and has over 25,000 students in the same campus(in which we hold our fest) We have had a promising footfall throughout the event of more than 1500 audience and participants each day. We have had various artists perform at our fests, including the likes of Galeej Gurus,Kavitha Krishnamurthy, Abhish Mathew, Gajendra Varma, to name a few.
Prometheus 2015: Featured performances by Gajendra Varma and Abhish Mathew, drawing a crowd of over 2000 people
Fashion Show Dramatics Music Art Events
Prometheus 2017:
Events: Cultural Events Literary Events Art Events Fashion Show Debates Painting Rock Concert/Comedy Show Just a Minute Sketching Indian Music General Quiz Mehendi Mad Ads Entertainment Quiz Photography Western Dance Taboo Cartooning Bollywood Dance Dumb Charades Collage Making Street play and Street Dance Personality
Sponsorship Schemes: Title Sponsors Associate Sponsors Marquee Event Sponsor Event Sponsors Banners and Advertising
Title Sponsor: Amount: 2,00,000 The name of the festival will be renamed as <Your Company> and <College Name> presents Prometheus 2017 and companies name will be mentioned before and after every cultural and literary event. Your company will be given a 15x15 stall in the vicinity of the main stage with electricity supply, 2 tables and 5 chairs. Your companies name and logo will be printed on our fest t shirts . Your companies name will also be printed on our fest posters,brouchers and concert tickets. Your companies advertisement(Audio-Video) and logo will be shown on the main LED screen(Backdrop of main stage) and banners will be put up in proximity to the stage. 10 concert tickets will be provided to your company. Branding of your company along with a direct link back to your website shall be provided on our website and all social media(Facebook,Snapchat,etc.).
Associate Sponsors Amount: Rs.70,000 Your companies name will be mentioned before and after every cultural and literary event. Your company will be given a 10x10 stall in the vicinity of the main stage with electricity supply, 2 tables and 5 chairs. Your companies name will also be printed on our fest posters,brouchers and concert tickets. Your companies logo will be shown on the main LED screen(Backdrop of main stage) and a banner will be put up in the vicinity of the stage the stage. 5 concert tickets will be provided to your company. Branding of your company shall be done on our website and all social media(Facebook,Snapchat,etc.).
Event Sponsors: Fashion Show- Rs.50,000 Music events - Rs.25,000 Dance events - Rs.25,000 Drama events - Rs. 25,000/- Literary events- Rs. 25,000/-
Deliverables to Event Sponsors: The event sponsors name shall be prefixed to the name of the respective event Audio visual screens shall be put up on the main stage featuring brand promotions and advertisement of your company during your respective event. One Judge for the event can be decided by the sponsorer. Branding of your company shall be done on our website and all social media(Facebook,Snapchat,etc.) in relation to the event. Your company will be allowed to supply a tag line consistent with theme of the event and promoting your brand as well. Which in turn would incorporated in all forms of publicity.
Rock Concert/ Comedy Show Sponsors: Amount: Rs.1,00,000 The rock concert will be renamed as <Your Company> presents <the performers name> sponsored by<sponsors name> Your company name and logo shall be distinctly visible in all the forms of publicity like banners, posters, media etc. 15 concert tickets will be provided to your company and the name and logo of your company will be printed on the ticket. Audio visual screens shall be put up on the main stage featuring brand promotions and advertisement of your company during your respective event. Branding of your company shall be done on our website and all social media(Facebook,Snapchat,etc.) in relation to the event.
Thank You