Aim #24: What was the impact of the Market Revolution 1800-1840
First Turnpike- 1790 Lancaster, PA By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.
Cumberland (National Road), 1811
Erie Canal, 1820s Begun in 1817; completed in 1825
The “Iron Horse” Wins! (1830) 1830 13 miles of track built by Baltimore & Ohio RR By 1850 9000 mi. of RR track [1860 31,000 mi.]
The Railroad Revolution, 1850s Immigrant labor built the No. RRs. Slave labor built the So. RRs.
(I) REASONS FOR MARKET REVOLUTION A. Created by innovations in transportation and communication B. Change for subsistence farming to large scale cash crops c. Regional specialization Northeast: industrialized South: raw materials (cotton) West (agricultural; “bread basket” of country” D. Westward migration E. Urbanization F. Steady stream of immigrants Mainly from Ireland and Germany: leads to rise in nativism (dislike for foreigners who are willing to take cheap wages); Irish potato famine
Immigration 1841-1845 430,000 1846-1850 1,283,000 1851-1855 1,748,000 1856-1860 850,000
(II) SOME INVENTIONS OF THE DAY INCLUDED: A (II) SOME INVENTIONS OF THE DAY INCLUDED: A. Steamboats (Robert Fulton) B. Canals (Erie Canal) c. Railroads d. Telegraph-Samuel B. Morse e. Roads-Toll Roads-”Turnpikes” New Technologies
The Lowell/Waltham System Francis Cabot Lowell’s town - 1814
Lowell Mill
Early Textile Loom
What was their typical “profile?” Lowell Girls What was their typical “profile?”
Lowell Boarding Houses What was boardinghouse life like?
WHY CAN’T I WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME…THESE KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! (III) WOMEN AND THE MARKET REVOLUTION Work opportunities for married women were closed to them during the Market Revolution B. Cult of Domesticity: women should stay at home and should not do any work outside of the home WHY CAN’T I WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME…THESE KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!