Shaping a Mid Point Review. Trish O'Gorman Dept of Health & Sharon Lloyd LTC Delivery Support Team
Reviewing Services to People with Long Term Neurological Conditions 5 years from NSF launch. Changed face of Health and Social Care. Reconfigured Organisations Raft of new initiatives
Reviewing the NSF Ministerial support Opportunity to take stock
Review Process Obtain Ministerial Approval Structure review. Launch review 2010 Gather the review information. Feedback findings.
Shaping the Review Do you support a review? What would you like the review to achieve? What sort of questions would you like to see in the review? Who should we ask to complete the review? What would you like to see happen? Would you be willing to provide detail of your current service provision or working arrangements established in either specific localities or across the country? What outcomes would you like to see?
Engaging in the Review. Respond using the on-line questionnaire Access through the Mid Point Review page on the website Contact Submit paper version to Tom Loader at Area 309 Wellington House 133-155 Waterloo Road London SE1 8UG By 8th December 2009
Do you support a midpoint review of the NSF? Yes No If you answered YES to this question please move on. What would you like the review to achieve? Choose all that apply Review current arrangements Provide a benchmark for progress Identify local service provision Other (please state) What sort of questions would you like to see in the review? Choose all that apply Questions based on the Quality Requirements Questions related to commissioning Questions related to service provision Questions related to patient experience All of the above. Who should we ask to complete this review? Choose all that apply Primary Care Trusts Service Providers What would be your favoured outcome from this review? Choose all that apply To demonstrate local positions and both regional and national trends. To make recommendations on priority activity setting based on the information gathered. To capture innovative or advanced practice and share knowledge and experiences around the country. To identify recent policy which supports delivery of the NSF Quality Requirements. We would like to capture current provision particularly by Third Sector organisations. Would you be willing to participate in this review by providing detail of your current service provision or working arrangements established in either specific localities or across the country?