Automation System (OPAC) Tutorial Reports and Utilities By: Neiketa Johnson
System Backup Follett recommends that you back up your Destiny database on a daily basis. This ensures that all daily transactions, configuration, and setup information for Destiny is preserved should you need to restore. As soon as you import or convert your data into Destiny, Follett recommends that you begin backing up your database. Backing up and rebuilding the Destiny system is not completed at the local level. This task is done at the county level. I however, researched methods of system back up and included the results.
System Backup You'll need the following: Access to a network drive where you can save the backup Access to Scheduled Tasks in the Windows Control Panel of the Destiny server The Destiny administrator password that was entered during the installation of Destiny A user name and password for accessing the backup file. You'll need to perform the following tasks: Configure the backup program Set up your backup schedule Create an initial backup NOTE: The Destiny system for Clayton County Schools (CCPS) can only be accessed on the CCPS network.
Configuring the backup program 1. Open a text editor such as Notepad. 2. In Notepad, select File | Open. 3. Change the "Files of type" setting at the bottom of the Open dialog to "All Files." 4. Browse to the location where Destiny is installed and open the \FSC-Destiny\fsc\bin directory. 5. Locate the osql_backup.bat.sample file. 6. Select and open the osql_backup.bat.sample file. 7. Scroll down to the section, "SET THIS VALUE:"
Configuring the backup This information was retrieved from
Configuring the backup Now you can save or copy these directories for future use offsite.
Collection Statistics The Historical Collection Statistics report lets you examine circulation statistics for a particular time frame. You can view summary information or individual title and copy statistics. You can limit the report to a call number range or one or more copy categories. You can also limit the detailed version by the number of copy circulations. If you're generating a district report, however, only summary information is available.
Running Circulation Reports Navigate to the Reports menu at the top of the page next click Library Reports c
Running Circulation Reports Select Collection Statistics Historical In the Statistics menu there are ten sub-menus. To examine the statistics for a particular time frame select Collection Statistics Historical.
Running Circulation Reports Click Summary only to view the entire report without specifics. Once Summary is selected, a report for the circulation dates listed will appear.
Running collection reports For a specific summary select your preference- Call Number Prefix, Dewey, or Copy Catalog A report can be generated based on the circulation date selected. In this report, I selected 02/01/14 – 02/28/14 as the target dates. Additionally, the report can be organized by “Call Number Prefix”, “Dewey”, or “Copy Catalog”.
Running circulation reports Select Circulation Types “Update” to check on specific resources. If you interested in a specific type of resource report, select Circulation Types and Update. Here a report can be ran based on types of resources such as ebooks, DVD, CD’s, audiobooks, etc. Once the desired report type is initiated, select Run Report to review/print the selected report.
Running circulation reports CLICK on Update to see Collection update based on Circulation type. Here a report can be ran based on types of resources such as ebooks, DVD, CD’s, audiobooks, etc.
Inventory Select Reports----Library Reports--- In-Progress Library Inventory Report
Inventory 11, 002 books are accounted for The In-Progress Library Inventory report list the copies accounted for (11,002) and the following information: Barcode, Call Number, Author, Title, and the date the book was last seen.
Inventory Select Reports and Library Reports to view Textbook Inventory Report
Inventory Inventory reports can be generated based on different criteria. This report is organized based upon Call numbers. This partial report shows the inventory of the nonfiction selection based on Call numbers grouped by the Dewey prefix.
Inventory This report displays the inventory based on four criteria. First select Back Office and then Inventory to view results The selection criteria displays Copies in collection (15,017) , Copies Accounted for (11,002), and Unaccounted for items (4,015).
Inventory Once Unaccounted is selected. Click on Run Report in the previous screen. These results are displayed. This report shows the beginning of a list of unaccounted for books.
Collection Age Report The “Collection Age Report” is found on the Back Office tab, Reports option, and Collections Statistics Summary link. The Collection Statistics Summary Report displays the copy counts. All circulations are also tallied.
Collection Age Report The average age for each nonfiction prefix is shown. For example the average age of 600-699 section is 13 years. Additionally this report displays the number of copies for each section listed as well as the circulation of the items in the section this year. Also the copy count is given for each section.
Printing Labels Click on Labels to select one of three options (Barcode Labels, Reading Program Labels, Spine/Pocket Labels). Labels are utilized to identify, organize and prevent theft of resources.
Printing Unused Barcodes When printing unused barcode labels, you don’t need to remember numbers that have already been used. Destiny will record used barcode numbers so those numbers are not reused. Once criteria is selected click Run Report.
Sample Unused Barcodes Note the barcode labels skips # 20840. It does this because that barcode has already been used.
Spine Labels To print spine labels Click “Run Report” after making your preference. Further identification of Morrow High School property is identified with spine labels.
Running Custom Indexes From the Catalog menu select Material Type to generate a custom search. A custom index is when a list is generated based on a specific criteria. First select the type of resource for which you are searching. The options include DVD’s, artifacts, books, ebooks, videos, map, etc.
Reading Program Index Selection can be based on Reading Program- Accelerated Reader or Lexile Customizing a search can be based on Reading Programs such as Accelerated Reader and/or Lexile. In high schools this criteria may be used to assist struggling readers.
Custom Index-Author A custom search for a specific author was completed. Veronica Roth was selected for as a customized “Author” search.
Results of customized search The results of the search yields all resources in Destiny by Veronica Roth. Destiny offers users the ability to locate Reports and Utilities for a myriad of information that organizes a collection. The custom indexes is just one of many organizational methods.
Conclusions Destiny offers its users the ability to locate a plethora of information that organizes a library media center collection. The Reports and Utilities section is just one facet of this organizational database.
ASSESSMENT What should be done in an effort to save your media center records in the Destiny database? Circulate a report Backup your files Print bar codes Run custom indexes Answer: B.
ASSESSMENT 2. What is a list that is generated based on a specific criteria? Custom index Inventory Collection age report System backup Answer A.
Assessment 3. What type of report should you run if you want to determine the most current titles in Dewey section 100-199? An Inventory report A Circulation report A Collection age report A System backup report Answer C.
Assessment 4. Why are labels used in a library media center collection? Labels are use to organize the resources in the media center collection.
Assessment 5. What is meant by “unaccounted” and what type of report generates the item count for these? Unaccounted items are resources in the media center that have not been identified in the Inventory either due to loss or misplacement.
Assessment 6. What are the benefits of utilizing Destiny to organize a Library Media Center collection based on “Reports and Utilities” section findings?