Unbalanced (It’s a working title)
Genre/Sub genre Log line: Short Pitch Crazy, psychotic, disturbed, manic, unhinged, mad, possessed. Genre/Sub genre It’s a paranormal/supernatural thriller The theme of possession within the film is what indicates to the audience that this is the genre/subgenre. The story includes two sisters which are a popular element to films in the horror/thriller genre, specifically within the supernatural/paranormal subgenre. Short Pitch There are two sisters, born to the same parents but entirely different. They would be perfectly normal, except for the fact that one is possessed by the devil. Due to nobody being told about this, the only way you can find out is by taking a picture of each sister, the evil sister will have a darkness surrounding her, much like an overbearing shadow. This is demonstrated in the opening sequence.
Film opening The opening sequence starts with a montage of baby photos that the first character introduced to the audience (the “evil” sister) is subsequently throwing into the fire, one by one. The baby photos show young children at different stages of development, one child having a consistent shadow appear. At this point the evil sister is introduced to the audience, and moments later so is the “normal” sister, as she can be seen sitting in the background, writing in a notebook. Costume will be important in this scene because it will clearly indicate to the audience who is considered “good” and who is considered “evil”. The pictures will be polaroid's, old fashioned and will show both sisters, however the fact that they have separate pictures and none together, implies to the audience that there is an emotional distance and that they don’t get on. The opening sequence will jump straight into the action but will only show a taste of the film while, at the same time, telling a portion of the story. In this sense the sequence will be discreet. We will use a lot of imagery and symbolism in this sequence, there will be a good use of low angle fireplace shots of the “evil” sister to suggest that she has dominance, meanwhile using high angle shots of the other sister to portray her as innocent and as a victim.
Character Profiles The “Evil” sister 16 years old. Played by Jade Boothby. Black hair, dark outfit (indicates she is “evil”) – quite a goth/punk vibe. The “Normal” sister 16 years old. Played by Ruth Gibbs. Brown hair, light colours, simple outfit – makes her look innocent and non threatening.
Locations The opening sequence will be set and shot at Sam’s house. We will make use of the fireplaces in the house because they are integral to the scene and have the right image for our film opening.
Props/Costumes We will supply our own costumes for the opening sequence. The costumes will be important in the portrayal of characters in our opening scene, Jade’s character (the evil sister) will wear dark clothes with a gothic style to indicate quite clearly to the audience that she is supposed to be bad and “evil”. On the other hand Ruth’s character (the normal sister) will wear lighter clothes that are the polar opposite of Jade’s outfit to show that the sisters are different and indicate her as the “good” character. For props we will use these items: A fireplace Polaroid's (baby photos) A flipbook
Equipment For the making of our opening sequence we will need to use these pieces of equipment: A camera Some lighting (will most likely use the lights in Sam’s house) School computers – for editing and making music Final Cut Pro Garage Band
Budget £30