Nuur Fatihah bt Mohd Yusoff The benefits of the use of Cloud Computing in Tertiary Education Environment Nuur Fatihah bt Mohd Yusoff
Introduction Cloud Computing has been an important term in the world of Information Technology (IT) Cloud Computing increase efficiency in internal processes and offer better services to citizens It allows us to view and edit files because it was Google’s Web-based computing platform for creating, editing, storing and sharing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings and forms. So, this paper will focus on integrating functions provide by Google Forms and Google Sheet in the e-management of development of physical, human development, and teaching and learning.
Background of problem In the management of strategic planning, alumni, industry training, and student projects are exposed to primary data acquisition and secondary data. The question arises is that when we have big data how can we manage such as for easy searching and analyzing data easily
Problem For the KTD’s strategic planning project, the Google Sheets template is used to enable the related staff to fill in the tasks in the template and subsequently the Gantt chart is generated to show that the tasks are executed at the specified time or not. Next, for the KTD’s Alumni project, alumni information are obtained using Google Forms. Searching for the needed features like workplaces or state of alumni members are done using Google Sheets.
Furthermore, the industrial training student project is used to obtain data of organizations that has undergone industry training using Google Forms and the data obtained will be used to provide information to students who will undergo subsequent industry training. This is done using Google Sheets.
Finally, the student mini project of managing home prices is an example of a project prepared by a group of students of Statistics for Real Estate Manager course. This project using Google Sheets can help increase knowledge and soft skills and it’s useful for the future work.
Objective of study Discussion of this article is about a review of the use of Google sheets and Google Forms in the acquisition, analysis and data management. That is the benefits of using cloud computing. Google Sheets In Google Sheets , it has many formula that can be used in managing data. For the purpose of searching data easily from our raw data we will use the following formula. =ArrayF ormula(IF ERROR(IN DEX(jF ormResponses1j!$C$2 : $C$21, SM ALL(If (jF ormResponses1j!$B$2 : $B$21= $C$15, ROW ($C$15 : $tt$20)− Row($C$15) + 1), ROW S($C$15 : $tt15))), ””)) (1) with the modification of the name of data sheets and range.
Google Forms Google Forms is the place where we can create online surveys and quizzes and send them to other people. Google Forms are the best tool for online survey. Not only the form can be easily published in the web through url generated by Google, but also its can be embedded in blog and websites.
Application of templates e-Management for KTD’s strategic planning
e-Management for KTD’s strategic planning Management of development at KTD in the cloud has started since 2012 was developed by Mohd Noor (2012). One of initiatives in KTD’s strategic planning in 2012 is the initiative project for construction five units of class rooms with total cost approved was RM77,000.
Figure 1: Planned activities To facilitate the management, monitoring, analysis and improvement of this project, Google Sheets have been used. The planned activities are filled in sheet of planned as shown in Figure 1. When this project gets the approval in the management meeting, the administrative manager will keyed-in all the activities for the implementation of the project into the provided Google Sheets template as shown in Figure 2. The project is monitored by the administrative manager continuously. Figure 1: Planned activities
The chief executive will always monitor the process for this project on the cloud and the information generated by this template are important for the management of KTD.
Application of templates e-Management of KTD’s alumni
e-Management of KTD’s alumni To obtain the important information for KTD alumni, Google Forms were used to designed questionnaires for collecting primary data of KTD alumni as shown in figure 2(Yacob, 2017). 61 responses were received. The raw data from responses converted automatically into Google Sheet can be manipulated for easy-to-use to search the needed feature.
Figure 2 : Questionnaire of survey Figure 3 : Feature Search
Application of templates e- Management of Industrial Training
e- Management of Industrial Training The management of students undertaking industrial training in private organizations or governments in the cloud. (UiTM Kampus Machang Kelantan, CS249) The ITC has begun collecting information about the organizations through questionnaires using Google Forms to students who have already undergone industry training. The acquisition of additional information about new organizations that are acquired continuously by using Google Forms for the next batch. The information obtained are automated converted into Google Sheets as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 : Organization Information Figure 5 : Feature Search
Application of templates Student mini project of managing home prices
Student mini project of managing home prices Students will present a mini project that has been created by a project group, namely Managing Home Prices. The group project consist of Rosdi et al. (2017) has collected secondary data of home prices from the web base and keyed-in into the Goggle Sheets. The data involved in this program include home prices, construction prices and others (big data). The data are analyzed using the formula as below. = F requency(Sheet1!D2 : D200, C6 : C120)(2) Then the bar chart is generated as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Data analysis
This mini project also explores the easy search for the desired home category and finds easily the areas with the maximum and minimum home prices as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Searching the needed home feature
Figure 8: Bar charts produced automatically by selecting the state Results The snowball method is used to collect data to see the creators’ perception of the four Google Sheet templates. Figure 8: Bar charts produced automatically by selecting the state
Result : e-Management for KTD’s strategic planning Four responses from respondents involved with this template were obtained. 75% respondents strongly agree and 25% agree that Google Sheets should be known and used by many users as they are available in the cloud. They also strongly agree that Google sheets can be explored in depth to generate and manage strategic planning.
Result : e-management of KTD’s alumni Data from three respondents involved with alumni has been collected. 66.7% knew that Google Forms could be used for the primary data acquisition of KTD’s alumni. Furthermore 33.3% strongly agree and 66.7% agree that alumni data col- lected through Google Forms can be manipulated using Google Sheets for easy and fast search of the features required by the management.
Result : e-Management on Industrial Training Students Two responses that are related to this template are obtained. All of them use Google Forms for information about organizations from students who have attended industrial training. They also strongly agree, using Google Sheets, the search of the organization by state or desired area by students who will attend industry training can be found easily and quickly.
Result : Student Mini Project of Managing Home prices For the mini project of home prices that consists of three students, 100% of them responded that they never used Google Sheets before taking the subject of Statistics for Real Estate manager. Furthermore, 100% strongly agree that working with Google Sheets adds soft skills that will help in the field of work later on.
Limitation There are some limitations in handling data with Google Sheets. First of all, the data base features in Google Sheets are not as complete as data base programs such as Microsoft Office and others. Second, in terms of security, the administration of the template must monitor continuously and the user must have their own integrity in managing the data wisely.
Conclusion Four case studies related to tertiary education have been discussed. Templates are generated from Google Sheets and Google Forms in the acquisition of primary data and secondary data as well as for easy searching for highly- featured features are encouraging. Google Drive are actually used by many users and from this case studies, we found that cloud templates can be used in order to organize data by using e- management in development of physical, human development and teaching and learning process. From the exposure, it can also increase students expertise in managing data when they enter the field of work later.
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