Olympic High School Class Presentation by Terry Hill Career Planning
Questions for Students How many hours have you invested in school between grades 1-12? Why do you go to school? Is it smart to select a HS extracurricular activity at random? A career? What is the best career in the world? When are you required to decide on your career?
Think About It People Often Invest More Time Planning Their Vacation Than Planning Their Career.
Career Decision Determines How you spend most of your "awake" hours for the next 40 years? Your opportunities for personal satisfaction and growth? Your ability to meet your family's needs (e.g. housing, medical, college)? Your ability to eventually retire with the financial resources to enjoy it?
Career Planning Dilemma The Stakes Have Never Been Higher The Tools are Available It’s all up to you!
Higher Stakes – It Is A Different World Internet Outsourcing Global Marketplace No Safety Net
Higher Stakes – It Is A Different World Internet Consumers have more information about product pricing, quality, availability, etc. than ever before. Increases consumer power to demand low cost/ high quality products, efficiency and speed. Only those companies that meet these higher consumer expectations will survive. Companies require the best people and processes. Increasingly competitive workplace.
Higher Stakes – It Is A Different World Outsourcing Companies no longer perform all functions. Functions such as manufacturing, product design, payroll, software development, customer service, engineering, etc. are being “outsourced” to other firms (frequently in China, India, etc.)
Higher Stakes – It Is A Different World Global Marketplace/Workplace Fewer trade barriers. More global/multi-national companies Communication technology has made the world much smaller. You must compete in a “global workplace”.
Higher Stakes – It Is A Different World No Safety Net Defined pension plans are disappearing Our youth may live to be 80 – 95 yrs. old Social security is on shaky ground Our young people will be responsible for their own retirement.
Questions for Students Do you want what is best for you in your life? Is there any decision that has a bigger impact on your life (e.g. personal fulfillment/growth, happiness, financial well-being) than your choice of your career? Is there any other activity in which such a small investment of your time can have such an enormous positive impact on their lives?
Result: Poor Choices, Waste and Frustration “I just graduated from college and don’t have a clue of what I want to do. Maybe forensics. Maybe art.” “My daughter is a sophomore in college and she hates her major (accounting). She is changing majors, but doesn’t know what to choose. That means at least one more year of college that we cannot afford. “Now that I have a college degree, I need to think about a career. I majored in Marketing, but I’m not sure that’s what I want to do.” “I hate my major, but switching involves two more years of college. My parents would kill me. I’ll gut it out. Maybe I’ll learn to like it.” “I wish I had known four years ago what I know now. I would have taken career and college planning more seriously. My major was easy and fun, but now I cannot get a decent job.”
Hours Invested
Lifetime Value of Education
Earnings and Unemployment Rate by Education
How Much Income Do I Need?
“Typical” Resources Used to Pick a Career TV => There is a big difference between TV drama and “real life”. Friends => They’ll know what sounds “cool”, but unless they have proactively used the career /college tools available, they are probably not a knowledgeable source of information. Life’s Interactions => OK, you have used the services of Dentists, Pharmacists, Teachers, etc. but… Do you really know what it is like to do their job? Parent => A great source, if your parent’s career happens to be “the right one” out of several hundred possibilities for you
Life After High School What do you want to be when you grow up? It is never too early to start thinking about the future! What you are doing in school now will have an impact in what you do in the future.
Who Are You?
Where Are You Going? What are my goals? What kind of jobs are available? What are the different jobs that match my skills?
Take Action! Set goals for yourself Write down all the kinds of jobs that you can do Find out more about the jobs that you can do Find out what college degree or courses you can take to develop skills for these jobs What are other things you can do?
Action Steps
Where and How do I start? Let’s Go!
Right Questions to Ask What will make me happy? What am I passionate about? What do I dream of doing? What do I really want to do? Let’s start with finding out who you are.
Learn About Yourself “Free” on-line resources How to know your interest: The RAISEC Test for career interest https://www.identifor.com/about/riasec Briggs Myers’ 16 personality types www.truity.com/view/types Work Values Test http://www.onetonline.org/find/descriptor/browse/Work_Values/ Skills for School and Workplace Test World of Work Test https://www.worldatwork.org/waw/testknowledge/html/test-home.html
Learn About Yourself The RIASEC Test What is your interest? RIASEC is a commonly used test to determine career interests.
Learn About Yourself Realistic Mechanical Careers Investigative Technical/Science Careers Artistic Creative/Artistic Careers Social Social Service/People Oriented Careers Enterprising Business and Sales-Oriented Careers Conventional Office-based or Financial Oriented Careers
Learn About Yourself
Learn About Yourself Personality Type Test Briggs Myers’ 16 personality types www.truity.com/view/types Other personality tests available on-line also. Overview: Help students identify their personality type based on their self development and interactions with others Objectives: Determine personality type Explore career types
Learn About Yourself Work Values Test http://www.onetonline.org/find/descriptor/browse/Work_Values/ Overview: Help students identify their personality traits and ideals that are important to them Objectives: Determine students’ personal traits and values Give examples of how these traits affect their personal life
Learn About Yourself Skills for School and Workplace Test Overview: Help students understand the importance of skills in school and at work Objectives: Students will be able to: Rate their skill mastery Describe the relevance of the skill to school Describe the relevance of the skill to work Develop a plan to improve skills
Learn About Yourself Skills you Need What Skills do You Have? Communication Skills Problem Solving Responsibility Eagerness to Learn Creative Thinking People Skills (or Social skills) Personal Skills Self-management Technical Skills What Skills do You Have?
Learn About Yourself How to Develop These Skills School Social Activities Hobbies Volunteer Work House Chores Community Work Job
Learn About Yourself World of Work Test https://www.worldatwork.org/waw/testknowledge/html/test-home.html Overview: Test students’ knowledge on the world of work Objectives: Students will be able to: Understand the importance of career planning Understand the importance of continuous learning and upgrading skills Understand vocabulary used in career planning
Learn About Yourself The World of Work It’s important to understand what the workplace is like. Each workplace is different If you know more, you can make better choices for your future!
Learn About Yourself
Learn About Yourself
Learn About Yourself
Learn About Yourself
Learn About Careers
Learn About Careers
Learn About Careers
Learn About Careers
Make A Plan
Make A Plan
Make A Plan
Make A Plan
It’s Up To You Are you willing to invest the time and energy to review/use the tools to make an informed decision about your future career? Your Future Depends On It
Find a Career that you Love and you will never work a day in your life Find a Career that you Love and you will never work a day in your life! Any Questions????
Thank You! and Good Luck