Sophomores: Class of 2019
The School Counseling Department Mrs. Hamilton: A- E Mrs. Taylor: F- K Mr. Putt: L- Q Ms. Cattrano: R- Z Mrs. Luette: Student Support Mrs. Trump: Career Coordinator Mrs. Seegren and Mrs. Tucker: Counseling Office Secretaries
Graduation Requirements 4 English By grade level English 10 (PARCC) English 11 (PARCC) Must take English all 4 years 3 Science Conceptual Physics, Chem I, Biology (H.S.A) 3 Social Studies Gov’t., US History & World History 4 Math Algebra I (PARCC) Geometry Algebra II (Accuplacer) Students must take math each year of high school 1 Fine Art 1 Technology Ed. (Foundations of Tech, Exploring Computer Science, or PLTW) 1 Physical Ed. ½ Health ½ Financial Literacy (taken in 11th or 12th) or Managing Personal Finances Using Excel 75 service learning hours All students must complete these specific credits, including some elective credits. YOU are responsible for knowing these requirements and ALL graduation requirements. Counselors and mentor teachers will help you, but ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of your credits. In 9th grade, you will begin working on your 4year plan. This plan will help guide you through your 4 years at CHS and will make sure that you include all credits needed to graduate as well as those needed for your Academy and future plans.
Additional Graduation Requirements Students must choose one of the following: 2 credits of same language OR 2 credits of Advanced Technology AND / OR A State approved Completer Program - At Career and Tech or Liberty (See your counselor for this option) Go for a Dual Completer! Many colleges like to see a career focus! Students may do more than one option- in fact they could do ALL 3, but they MUST complete at least one option to graduate. If you are planning on attending a 4 year college, you will need to choose the 2 cr. Language option- this is a college requirement. We encourage students to become dual completers (lang. & completer program) if and when possible. With a 4 mod day this is easy to do.
Completer Programs Apply in Fall of Sophomore Year! Drafting Electrical Construction Engineering (Project Lead The Way) Heavy Equipment & Truck Technology HVAC Homeland Security: Criminal Justice Masonry Print Production Textiles & Fashion Design Video Production Welding Technology Academy of Health C.N.A. or Physical Rehabilitation Auto Service Tech Biomedical Sciences Building Maintenance Carpentry CISCO Networking Collision Repair Computer Technology (Honors/ AP class) Cosmetology Culinary Arts
Completer Programs offered through LHS Accounting Business Administration & Management Financial Services, Academy of Finance (Regional at WHS) Global Information Systems (Regional at WHS) Honors Marketing Early Childhood Education Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM)-MS/HS (at WHS) Agricultural Science (CASE)- Animal Science Agricultural Science (CASE)- Plant Science Wildlife & Natural Resources
Career Majors- your opportunity for an internship! Actuarial Science Advertising Computer Science & Systems Analysis Drama Economics Environmental Health Family & Consumer Studies Food & Nutrition Science Graphic Communications History Hospitality & Tourism
More Career Majors Human Resources Management Humanities & Classical Studies Industrial & Product Design Information Systems Management International Business International Studies Law & Legal Services Library & Media Life Science Mass Communications Mathematics
Career Majors continued… Music Performance Operations Management Physical Science Public Relations Social Science Social Work Sports & Recreation Urban & Regional Planning Visual Fine Arts To qualify, you must have at least 4 credits in the major, at least a 2.5 GPA, 94% attendance, H.S.A.s and service hours completed. See Mrs.Trump!!
SATs The SATs are critical thinking and problem solving questions Get ready to take them your junior year. It is usually best to have completed the majority of Algebra II before taking them. Go to to register and to take advantage of SAT Preparation Materials.
ACTs The ACTs are content based tests that include science. We encourage you to explore both tests. Typically a student will do better on one test than the other. It depends on your learning and thinking style.
Career/ Interest Searches What is in your future? Check out the resources from your PSAT scores, which will be handed out in December Other resources on the LHS School Counseling webpage, under College and Career Planning:
Preparing for College: Start looking at colleges. Think about size, location, programs, and activities they offer. Research requirements for SAT/ ACT scores and GPA at individual colleges. Get involved, so you are a well rounded candidate! Plan a college visit/ tour. Use websites like the CollegeBoard’s College Search.
CollegeBoard- Big Future
College Search
Any questions? Visit the School Counseling Page from the LHS Website for resources. Counselors are currently meeting with 10th grade students to discuss course requests, college/career interests, and future opportunities! You will receive a pass during mod 1.
LHS Website