Analyzing The Raven
Stanza 1 What two lines show internal rhyme? What two examples of onomatopoeia are there?
Stanza 2 What is an example of a metaphor? What two examples of alliteration are there?
Stanza 5 What are examples of alliteration? What example of personification is there?
Stanza 6 What example of a hyperbole is there?
Stanza 10 What examples of alliteration are there? What example of hyperbole is there?
Stanza 12 What example of an alliteration is there? What example of internal rhyme is there?
Stanza 13 What example of a hyperbole is there?
Stanza 16 What are example of a metaphor is there?
Stanza 17 What are example of a hyperbole is there?
Stanza 18 What example of repetition is there? What examples of metaphors are there?