Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Varina Howell Davis Logout Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! Wall Info Photos Write something… Share View photos of Varina (6) Jefferson Davis, Jr. Uh, Winnie…I’m her favorite child. Nice try. Send Varina a message Poke message Winnie Davis Hi ma! I agree with what you said. From, your favorite child. Information Networks: Richmond, VA Birthday: May 7. 1826 Political: Confederate States of America Religion: Christian Hometown: Natchez, Mississippi Jefferson Davis Thank you for your supportive words, dear. Varina Howell Davis Mary, just the other day I spoke to a lady who said her neighbor made a coffee substitute out of parched sweet potatoes and parched corn. If that isn’t loyalty to the Confederacy, then I don’t know what is! Friends Mary Chesnut I agree, V! So many women are making do with what they have and they never complain. Mary Jeff Winnie Varina Howell Davis wants to thank the strong Confederate women for the sacrifices that you make every day for the cause. Jeff Jr. Stephen Judah
Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Varina Howell Davis Logout Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! Wall Info Photos Basic Information Networks: Richmond, VA Sex: Female Birthday: May 7. 1826 Hometown: Natchez, Mississippi Relationship Status: Married to Jefferson Davis Political Views: Confederate States of America Religious Views: Christian View photos of Varina (6) Send Varina a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Promoting the cause of the Confederacy, writing Favorite Music: Classical on occasion I suppose Favorite Books: The Bible, Richmond Courier, Magnolia Weekly, Smith & Barrow's Monthly Magazine, the Southern Illustrated News, The Age Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: May 7, 1826 Political: Confederate States of America Religion: Christian Hometown: Natchez, Mississippi Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 1201 E. Clay St, Richmond, VA 23219 Wedding Memories Updated last Tuesday The Kids Updated two months ago
Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Varina Howell Davis Logout Varina Howell Davis is continuing to fight for the cause! Wall Info Photos Photos of Varina 6 Photos Varina’s Albums 2 Photo Alums 5 photos The Kids 5 photos Wedding Memories