A Healthy Lifestyle Chapter 11 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Wellness The seven dimensions of wellness Spiritual well-being 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Leading Causes of Death Diseases of the cardiovascular system Coronary heart disease Cancer Chronic lower respiratory disease Accidents 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Coronary Heart Disease Physical inactivity High blood pressure (hypertension) Excessive body fat Abnormal cholesterol profile 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Abnormal Cholesterol Profile Increasing HDL cholesterol Trans fats Lowering LDL cholesterol Elevated triglycerides Medications 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Coronary Heart Disease Elevated homocysteine Inflammation Diabetes Types of diabetes Metabolic syndrome Abnormal electrocardiograms 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Coronary Heart Disease Tobacco use Six-step smoking cessation approach Stress Personal & family history Age & gender 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Cancer Cancer development & progression Dietary changes Fruits & vegetables Antioxidants Phytonutrients Fiber Tea 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Cancer Dietary changes Spices Sugar Vitamin C Fat intake Protein Soy protein Alcohol consumption 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Cancer Excessive body weight Tobacco use Excessive sun exposure Estrogen, radiation, & potential occupational hazards Physical activity 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Cancer Early detection Other factors Warning signals of cancer 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
CLRD Chronic lower respiratory disease Risk factors for CLRD 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Accidents Incidence Causes 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Substance Abuse Alcohol Illegal drugs Marijuana Cocaine Methamphetamine MDMA (Ecstasy) Heroin Treatment for chemical dependency 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Sexually Transmitted Infections HIV/AIDS Guidelines for preventing STIs 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
An Educated Fitness/ Wellness Consumer Quackery & fraud Health/fitness club memberships Personal trainer Purchasing exercise equipment 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Life Expectancy & Physiologic Age Life Expectancy & Physiologic Age questionnaire - Lab 11B Behavior & aging 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth
Self-Evaluation & Behavioral Goals for the Future Lab 11C & Lab 11D The fitness experience & a challenge for the future 2010 Cengage-Wadsworth