1 This restaurant offers traditional cooking which is really similar to that ___ at home. cook cooked cooking cookery
2 A: "Mmm. Something smells good." B: "I___ cakes all morning.„ ´ve been making ´m making ´ve made make
3 "Can you cook?" -- "No, but now ___ to learn." I have trying I trying I try I'm trying
4 While the pasta ___, prepare the sauce. cooks is cooking is cooked will cook
5 If you cook something in hot fat or oil you ___ it. prepare roast boil fry
6 If you cook food, especially meat, without liquid in an oven or over a fire you ___ it. roast boil bake steam
7 What´s the best way __ cook turkey? to how which can what
8 Shall I put __ steak on the barbecue for you? other another others the others
9 A liquid food made by boiling meat and vegetables in water, often eaten as the first course is called ___. first course main course soup sauce
10 The meal has been finished. Will you ___ it, please? give order carry serve
11 Typical Czech ___ include, for example, potato soup, roasted pork with dumplings and sauerkraut, schnitzel and potato salad, etc. food foods meals cuisine
12 British "fish and chips" is a piece of fish, which is usually ___, fried in batter and served hot with chipped fried potatoes. salmon carp trout cod
13 A lot of families have their own __ for their traditional meals, and so the meals taste different in different families. recipes receipts prescriptions instructions
14 Finally ___ the pizza with grated cheese and ketchup and cut it. Enjoy it! you are covering you will cover you can cover cover
15 I am hopeless at cooking. Unfortunately, I even can´t ___ coffee. do make boil cook