What the Heck is a “Citation?” quick txt: research info 4 the busy student
Today you will learn how to… Break down the elements of a citation (i.e. journal title, article title, publication date) Place them in correct MLA order Use correct MLA punctuation and formatting to create a works cited page
Why Cite? In scholarly research writing it is necessary to document the sources of information you use to discover or support particular concepts, positions, propositions and arguments that you make. Helps readers identify & relocate the source of information. Adds credibility to your work. Shows that your position is well researched. Give credit where credit’s due. Acknowledge the author of an original concept or theory.
Two Components to Citing a Document In-Text Citation The in-text citation is placed after the quoted text or paraphrased idea. It is a brief “placeholder” intended to refer the reader to the second component of citing a document, the works cited page. Works Cited Page The works cited page is a page listing the full information for all of the documents (books, articles, etc) that you cited in your essay. Both have to be written in a specific format, so as to make them appear uniform and consistent, and to ensure all of the necessary information is present.
The purpose of an in-text citation is to refer your reader to the full citation in your works cited page. Essay Body The Republicans used the tactic of accusing the opponent of dishonesty more in the 2004 presidential campaign than any other. Bush accused Kerry of untruthfulness in nearly 55% of his attacks (Buell and Sigelman 234).
Works Cited Page Appears at the End Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics: negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2008. Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>. “HIV/AIDS.” Planned Parenthood. 15 April 2008. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 21 October 2008 <http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv- safer-sex/hiv-aids-4264.htm>.
Research Sources ENCYCLOPEDIAS BOOKS MAGAZINE ARTICLES Provide short entries/articles for an overview of the topic and its main ideas . BOOKS Give more information for an in-depth exploration of one or more aspects of the topic. (Example: Case study books, textbooks) MAGAZINE ARTICLES As short as encyclopedia articles, but instead of an overview, magazines narrow the focus to one or two specific aspects of a topic. PERIODICAL DATABASES or PRINT
Research Sources NEWSPAPER ARTICLES AND THE LIST GOES ON… INTERVIEWS PERIODICAL DATABASES or PRINT NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Very brief news reports that focus on current events or topics currently in the news. AND THE LIST GOES ON… INTERVIEWS BLOGS DOCUMENTARY FILMS STATISTICS GOVERNMENT REPORTS WEB SITES JOURNAL ARTICLES Lengthy scholarly research studies on an extremely focused aspect of a subject.
How to Cite a Book Author (last name, first name) Period. Title (underlined) City where book was published. If there’s more than one city listed, use the city that is geographically closest to you. Colon : Publisher’s name Comma , Year of publication Page numbers (if relevant)
Where to find book information On the physical book, locate the publisher information on the title page, a couple of pages in. Online, you can find all of this information in the library catalog record for the book. Book Title Authors (note there are 2) City of Publication Publisher’s Name Year of Publication
Putting it all together Attack politics : negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Emmett H. Buell Jr. and Lee Sigelman Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c2008.
Putting it all together 1st author’s name reversed Book title underlined Emmett H. Buell Jr. and Lee Sigelman Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics : negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Attack politics : negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c 2008. Note the second line is indented
The purpose of an in-text citation is to refer your reader to the full citation in your works cited page. Essay The Republicans used the tactic of accusing the opponent of dishonesty more in the 2004 presidential campaign than any other. Bush accused Kerry of untruthfulness in nearly 55% of his attacks (Buell and Sigelman 234). Works Cited Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics: negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2008. Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>.
How to Cite a Journal Article Author. (last name, first name) “Article title.” (in quotation marks) Journal title. (underlined) Either date of publication (as much as is available) or volume and issue numbers: Page numbers article appeared in the print version. Database you used to view the article. (underlined) Creator of the database. Institution that subscribes to the database. (usually Rio Hondo) Date you retrieved the article from this database <Web address for the database>. (enclosed in angled parentheses <>) Period. Colon:
Putting it all together Date of Publication and Volume and Issue #’s Only include ONE of these in your citation Journal Title Database Company Name ProQuest Page # article begins on in print version. Article Title Authors A Widening Gap: Republican and Democratic Views on Climate Change Riley E Dunlap, Aaron M McCright. Sep/Oct 2008 Environment 50 5 26 . . Dunlap, Riley E., and Aaron M. McCright “A Widening Gap: Republican and Democratic Views on Climate Change ” . : . . Environment ProQuest Research Library. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>.
Putting it all together Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>.
How to cite a Web site Author’s name (if given) Period. “Web page title” (in quotations) Period. Web site title (underlined) Period. Date of publication or update (if given) Period. Name of organization sponsoring site Period. Date you last accessed this page <Full Web page address> Period.
When in doubt, web page title can be found in blue bar. In this case, Planned Parenthood is obviously the Web site title, but when in doubt, check the Web page address. When in doubt, web page title can be found in blue bar. But this is more likely the intended Web page title. If no author or date is listed at the top, check the bottom.
Full name of sponsoring organization Date of publication and last update. If it’s available, it’s at the bottom of the page. Full name of sponsoring organization Still no author!!
Putting it all together “HIV/AIDS.” Planned Parenthood. 15 April 2008. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 21 October 2008 <http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hiv-aids-4264.htm>.
Putting it all together: Works Cited Page Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics: negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2008. Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>. “HIV/AIDS.” Planned Parenthood. 15 April 2008. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 21 October 2008 <http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hiv-aids-4264.htm>.
In-text citations take elements from your works cited page Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics: negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2008. Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>. “HIV/AIDS.” Planned Parenthood. 15 April 2008. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 21 October 2008 <http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hiv-aids-4264.htm>. (Buell and Sigelman 235). (Dunlap and McCright 28). (“HIV/AIDS”).
The purpose of an in-text citation is to refer your reader to the full citation in your works cited page. Essay The Republicans used the tactic of accusing the opponent of dishonesty more in the 2004 presidential campaign than any other. Bush accused Kerry of untruthfulness in nearly 55% of his attacks (Buell and Sigelman 234). Works Cited Buell, Emmett H., and Lee Sigelman. Attack politics: negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2008. Dunlap, Riley E, and Aaron M McCright. “A Widening gap: Republican and Democratic views on climate change.” Environment 50.5:26. Research Library. ProQuest. Rio Hondo Community College. 21 October 2008 <http://proquest.umi.com>.
Common Pitfalls Solutions No author listed Skip author & start with title. 3 or more authors List only the first author’s name, and the phrase et al. for the rest. Multiple cities Use only one city. The of publication one geographically closest to you.
Common Pitfalls Solutions Journal title vs. article title Generally, the more descriptive of the two is the article title. Hard to find information Don’t limit yourself to on Web page the information on the page. Look at the Web site’s home page too. If there is a lot of missing information, start to question the web site’s credibility.
Your Bible for MLA Style Citations MLA handbook for writers of research papers 4th Floor Circulating (to check out) 2nd Floor Reference (to stay in library) LB2369.G53 2003
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