指導教授:Chen, Ming-Puu 報 告 者:Chen, Wan-Yi 報告日期:2007.07.26 The impact of intrinsic motivation on e-learning in authentic computer tasks 指導教授:Chen, Ming-Puu 報 告 者:Chen, Wan-Yi 報告日期:2007.07.26 擬真的學習任務對學習者內在動機的影響 Martens, R. L., Gulikers, J., & Bastiaens, T. (2004). The impact of intrinsic motivation on e-learning in authentic computer tasks. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 368-376.
Introduction Self-regulated learners are motivated, independent, and meta-cognitively active participants in their own learning Instructional models or methods hold that it is crucial to generate the learner’s motivation This article describes how motivation influences e-learning behaviour, which in turn influences learning outcomes
Literature (1) Motivation Extrinsic motivation: the performance of an activity in order to attain some separable outcome Intrinsic motivation: to doing an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself Intrinsically motivated students show more behavior that can be described as explorative, self-regulated, aimed at deep level processing, and aimed at exploration and reflection
Literature (2) The perception of certain aspects of the social and task environment are crucial: Perception of control positive correlations with intrinsic motivation Perceived competence: competence, praise is positive for intrinsic motivation Sense of relatedness: student’s sense of belonging has a strong impact on intrinsic motivation
Literature (3) Simply adding multimedial add-ons is not enough to increase motivation Because their sense of relatedness is lower Necessary to gain a better understanding of learning materials that are developed to increase motivation Games attract millions of players who are very motivated, self-regulated, and persistent in playing these games Game = Authentic Learning Program
Method Participants Materials and procedure 33 higher education students Materials and procedure The student is placed in the role of a jounior consultant and has to analyse this problem directed by three steps After finished working with the ALP , their performances were measured with a multiple-choice test Intrinsic motivation was measured with a 5-point scale consisting of 6 items
Results (1)
Results (2)
Results (3) Intrinsic motivation and the proportion explorative pages visited correlate significantly intrinsic motivation and measured explorative study behaviour is confirmed by students’ self-reported inclination to explore the environment
Discussion Students with high intrinsic motivation do not tend to work harder in the same amount of fixed time, rather they tend to do different thighs Simulations and problems presented via computers are so rich that explorative behaviour is indeed rewarded 激發學習者的好奇心和探索