Business Transformation Reviving Corporate Growth Agenda During Difficult Times Presentation by Kashif Rana CFO ACWA Power
Challenging Times Global economy and trends Global conflicts - widespread political and social turbulence; Country stability – political and economic Global growth slowdown - economies stagnated except a few pockets Different risks prevalent Advanced economies - asset bubbles (property, shares all asset classes), high unemployment, fiscal crisis, financial institution failure, security, cyber risk Emerging economies - high unemployment, rating downgrades, energy prices, fiscal crisis, social instability, infrastructure shortfall, population growth, cyber risk, financial institution failure,, lower FDIs Globalization (rolling down or moving forward) US looking inward – large infrastructure spend, renegotiating pacts and impacting trade China’s outward push – One Belt One Road (Africa, Asia, ME) – equipment, financing, labor for all key infrastructure sector Restrictive trade policies, Europe fragmentation, higher interest rates
Challenging Times Technology trends – new highly skilled replacing redundant skills Disruptive technologies mobile connectivity, intelligent software performing knowledge tasks internet of things (complete connected interfaces of all objects) Human vs Machine - AI and robotics Renewable energy, energy capture and storage only challenging the normal business models Bulk energy vs distributed energy Crowd lending vs financing institutions Transportation, hoteling, drones, sharing economy, On line content vs cable, TV Brick and mortar vs e-commerce Automated workplaces (ports, trains, legal and accounting tasks etc.) Regulations and compliance – new and stricter regulations pushing up cost of doing business going up
Survival vs. Opportunity Gearing for growth Survival vs. Opportunity Panic vs. Focus It is clear - what brought you here will not get you there The difficulty times could be long but businesses must transform with speed, creativity and discipline and make use of technological advancements Choices that are pivotal to transformation vs change Survival vs. Opportunity Structural shift happening – cutting cost to survive is not as important overhauling the cost base - trim your fat and not your muscles Reinvent your business model – smart companies will move ahead Access liquidity, reduce the bloated BS and invest to grow Management Control vs. Organization Involvement Take the talk out of the board room and management meetings Reinvest profitability in the right areas to avoid entering a slow decline Retain the right people and get the right people on board – change mindset Panic vs focus ‘Don’t do something different to get through’ but ‘do what is best for the business’ Criticize your plan, listen to customers and invest in technology (big data analytics is reshaping business)
01 02 03 Business Transformation Team Governance Technology Business transformation requires fundamental changes – need internally and externally interaction to cope with the evolving landscape Team Technology Governance Right employees play vital role 01 02 Invest in technology – unlock the data 03 Governance and disciplined focus on the key aspects
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